Chapter 35: Sleepovers and chats..

Start from the beginning

"Right, I think we need to talk with you Angie, don't you Rina?".

Rina nodded..I was confused.

"What about?".

"About a guy, you know...he's tall, quite went on a date with him..not so long ago and now you are avoiding him. Spill Angie".

"It's nothing really".

"It's not look as if you're going to cry".

"It's just German and I had a little argument. That's why I've been blanking him".

"You need to talk to him".

"Why do I need too?".

"Because, Tash and I noticed how all day he's been moping around the corridor's, he's always looking at you".

"Yeah, well that's not my doing".

"Never mind, who's doing it need to talk to each-other".

==== Meanwhile at Pablo's house, German and Pablo were sat outside talking ====

"German, we've been sat here for need to stop moaning and sort this out".

"What am I supposed to do?".

"You need to figure that out for yourself".

"I have an idea but it involves you helping me".

Pablo rolled his eyes.

"Here we go, what do you have in mind?".

"I need you to find out Angie's skype address. If I go to her house, she will only shut the door on me but if I keep calling her non -stop on skype, she will have to eventually answer".

"That's easy done, all I need to do is text Rinam, she and Tash are staying over Angie's tonight".

"They can persuade Angie to answer me. Let's do it, text Rina".

Pablo nodded and began to text Rina.

==== Back at Angie's house ====

Angie had popped down stairs, Tash and Rina were sat on Angie's bed when Rina's phone vibrated.

She picked her phone up and read the message out loud.

"Well Tash, we know what we need to do".

"Yeah, before Angie comes back up, go on to her computer and log in to skype but first quickly text Pablo her skype address. We will log her on without her knowing".

"Won't Angie be annoyed with us for interfering Rina?".

"Probably but she will thanks us in the long run. So text him back and I'll log on to her computer".

"Okay, I guess it's our funeral if this doesn't work out".

Tash and Rina, replied to Pablo's text and logged on to Angie's skype...they heard Angie coming up the stairs..

"Quick! She's coming, act natural".

They ran to Angie's bed, pulled out so nail varnish and began to paint their nails. Angie entered the room.

"Tash, Rina, the popcorn will be ready soon".

Angie sat down on the bed.

"Okay, in the mean can tell us about your argument with German".

"I told you both, it's's all silly really".

"If it that's silly, it's silly enough to sort out".

"How do German and I sort it out?".

"Well for a start, call him".

"Call him? I don't really want to speak over the phone".

"Well that's good because I mean call him on the computer...but better still German is going to call you on skype in 10 minutes".

"Your joking?".

" I'm not, you both need to sort yourselves out and you're going to do so now".

I gulped... Rina is right and I can see that Tash agrees... I guess we better sort our differences out.. Here goes nothing...

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