8. Working with the Prince

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Author's Note: The end of the chapter you just read leads into the second half of Part 19 in Book 1. This next chapter you are about to read begins two days after Pea's arrival at the Capitol, the afternoon after the awkward breakfast that happens in the second half of Part 20 in Book 1.


Pearl was staring out the window of the room she had been given, down the hall from Nina's. A lot of information had been thrown at her since her arrival at The Capitol a few days ago and she was trying to process it all.

Alternate Reality. That's what her sister had said. Pea never gave much thought to such things, but given that she'd seen magical swirling numbers and been pulled to an entirely different location in the blink of an eye, she had decided that was as good a theory as any. But that's hardly what filled her thoughts. 

She had just met a king. A real king, of an entire kingdom. Her sister seemed to be completely in love with him. A king. And also, Pea was heartbroken that he seemed to be rejecting her sister. Her heart ached for her sister, she never could handle Nina being upset. So here she was feeling guilty and a bit surprised that even her sister's dilemma wasn't the most pressing thing on her mind.

She had no idea she had spent the better part of 5 days with a prince.  They shared meals, walked together for hours, slept in the same room, in the same space, talked about all kinds of things.... Pea closed her eyes and shook her head. She had sat there and shared intimate details of her past that she never talked about with anyone, some of which she never even discussed with Nina. She had shared these memories and feelings she had buried inside... with a prince. She was definitely not expecting that.

And now she was supposed to spend more time with him, the king basically commanded it. She rubbed her forehead as she thought about the last time they were alone. What was she supposed to do around him now? What should she say? How should she act? Should she ask him to finish explaining what he was trying to tell her? 

No. She shook her head. He obviously wasn't ready for that. And apparently Nina wasn't either.  Pea sighed, resigning to the fact that she'll just have to wait for one of them to be ready to open up. As if right on time, a knock came on her door.

She opened it to find Hezron on the other side, looking nervous. "Hello. How are you settling in?" 

"Fine, thank you." She watched him patiently as he struggled with what to say next.

"Join me in the sitting room?" He stepped back and motioned his hand, she assumed in the direction of said room.

She nodded, closed her door, and headed that direction. "How are you doing?"

He flinched at her question, taken by surprise. "I'm fine." Was all he would say.  All he ever said to that question. "Here we are." He stopped and waited for her to enter first, before following her in. They sat opposite each other in front of the fireplace. "Would you like something to drink?"

He began to stand but she stopped him. "No. Thank you. I'm fine."

"O-ok. Good." He forced a smile at her.  She looked at him expectantly and he let out a slow breath. As she waited for him to speak, she took him in. He had trimmed his beard and he wore slightly more refined clothes, but she still just saw the rugged man from the hut in the woods. 

"I take it that being reunited with your sister is going well?"

She nodded eagerly. "It has been a huge relief. To know she is safe and unharmed."

He visibly winced at her last word. "Did... did she speak with you about...about her arrival here?"

It was weird to see him so unsure of himself, Pea thought.  So nervous.  "No, actually. She basically said she didn't want to dwell on that right now." He looked up at her in surprise. "Actually, practically all she's talked about is your brother. You know... the king."

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