Chapter 10

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Fourteen months ago...

Burt excused himself from the table where he had been enjoying dinner with his daughters Esther and Tammy.  He headed into the back of the dinner saying hello to his nephew Eli junior who was wiping down a table.

He stepped into the hallway that led to the bathrooms. He was about to enter the men's room when heard the sound of a crack of a belt which was followed by a cry of pain.

He winced as the beating continued. Whoever the poor soul who was on the receiving end of the one most vicious beatings he had ever heard.

Poor kid is being killed he thought.

Burt stood at the door unsure what to do. A part of him wanted to go in there and stop it. Though he was a strong proponent of corporal punishment what was happening in there was not discipline but assault.

Get in there a voice in the back of his commanded him. He put his hand on the door to go in but then stopped himself.

No he thought. Its none of my business. He then turned and went back to his table.


Burt and Butch ordered theit shakes, paid for them, said goodbye to Jasper and Sabrina and then headed out. As they walked out Butch saw Jasper a look of envy in his eyes as he looked at his dad.  He then realized Butch was lookin at him and quickly turned his attention to his register.

They then stepped out and Butch said "I think you should adopt Jasper."

"I'm sorry." Burt said wondering if he had heard his son correctly.

"I think you should adopt him."

"Don't you think I have enough kids already." He said jokingly. He then could tell Butch was being serious. "Jasper already has a father."

"A lousy one." Butch said. "You would be a better father for him."

"I appreciate you saying that Butch." Though some of your siblings would say I'm a lousy father too."But as I said he already has a dad."

"I think he wants you to be his dad." Butch said.

An uncomfortable look crossed Burt's face. "I think you're right."

They walked up to the car and Butch asked "Would you adopt him if you had the opportunity?"

Burt was silent for a few seconds and then replied "In a heart beat." A flood of emotion hit him as he spoke. "I would take him without a second thought."

"You could ask his dad if you could adopt him."

"Be real Butch."

"I am being real." Butch said. "He wants you as his dad, you said that you would take him as a son." He then shrugged. "Why not?"

"Again he has parents."  Burt said. "And I'm not going to go up to someone and ask them to give me custody of their kid." I would probably deck someone if they tried that with one of mine.

"How about if you asked to share custody?" Butch said.

"Share custody?" He said trying to resist the urge to laugh.

"Yeah." Butch said. "Like how you and Mason's dad have split guardianship of Mason."

"That is different." Burt said. "I'm married to his mom that is why I had split custody and guardianship of him."

"I know daddy." Butch said. "But you could still ask his parents to share custody."

"No, I couldn't." Burt said though there was a part of him that wanted to. "And I'm not." Disappointment flashed across his son's face. "I'm sorry." 

They then got into the car and pulled out of the parking space. Burt looked at Lucky's as they drove by. The word sorry going through his mind again.

Fourteen months ago...

A few minutes later Burt watched as the father and son emerged from the back.  The boy's face was red from crying and twisted in pain. The father scowled as he pushed the boy telling him to hurry up.

"I'm sorry." The boy wept.

"I'm sorry too." The father said. "I'm sorry I had such a worthless worm like you." He then pushed him again.

The two then joined the rest of the family at their table. The boy winced as he sat down.

"Poor Jasper." Esther said with anger flickering in her eyes.

"Mister Collins is such a jerk." Tammy said.

Guilt stabbed at him as he looked at the boy who sat at the table with his head hung. Once again he could hear the sound of the belt and cries of pain

I'm sorry Burt thought.

Life of Jasper Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz