Chapter 1

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17 years ago....

Skylar Collins was brimming over with excitement as he walked into the hospital with his mom. His face was one big smile which elicited smiles from everyone that passed him.

The day that he had hoped for, prayed for had finally arrived. He was a big brother and he was so happy.

"I'm a big brother." The five year announced to the nurses at the nurse's station.

"Congratulations." The fortyish year old nurse said with a small smile.

"I'm going to be the best big brother in the whole wide world." Skylar announced to the floor.

"Inside voice honey." Wren Collins said to her son.  She then gave nurses an apologetic look. The nurse just smiled warmly back at her.

"I'm sure you will be." The nurse said and then looked at her computer. "Let's see Collins baby." The anticipation was killing him as he awaited the room number. Come on come on he thought as he squirmed. "Room three o five." She said. "Right down the hall to the left."

"Thank you." She said as she felt Skylar's little hands wrap around hers.

"Come on mommy." Skylar impatiently said as he tugged on her hand.

Wren shared an amused look with the nurse and then said "Okay honey I'm coming." 

As they walked down the hall Wren saw a familiar face coming towards him. One that one that filled her with mixed emotions. "Burt Johnson." She said.

"Hello Wren." Burt flashed one of his patent grin that caused any ill feelings that she held for him to vaporize instantly. Don't fall for it she chided herself. Don't fall for that lecherous smile, that broad jaw line, those puppy dog brown eyes that just wanted to draw you in.

You're doing it again the voice in the back of her head scolded. Don't fall under his spell again, you are not that dumb teenage girl anymore. You know better now. Unlike him you have self respect now.

She then coughed as she tried to pull herself away from his gaze. Run Wren run the voice said

"So what brings you here?" Burt asked.

"Candice." Wren coughed as Skylar once again looked at her impatiently. "She just had the baby."

"That's great." Burt said.

"I'm a big brother now." Skylar said.

"Congratulations Skylar." Burt said.

"Can we go see the new baby now?" He said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"In one minute honey."  What are you doing? Don't stand here and talk to him. Just say goodbye and go on your way. "So what brings you here?" She asked but had a good guess why he was here.

Burt looked at her a bit embarrassed. "Just here to see my newest son." Burt replied. "His name is Bright, cute little guy."

"How many does that make for you now?" A look of revulsion crossed her face as she said "A dozen? Two dozen?"

"Fifteen." He said proudly. A little too proudly for her taste. He then flashed a grin and said "That I know of."

Ewww the longer this conversation goes on the less appealing he becomes.

"And I have three more on the way."

Why am I not surprised.

"Keep this up and they are going to name the paternity wing after you."

Burt then let out a laugh. "They probably will."

"Mommy." An exasperated Skylar said as he once again tugged her hand.

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