Chapter 2

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One Week Earlier....

A sense of unease filled Jasper Collins as he navigated his way through the press of students filling the hall.  Even though he had gone a whole without being bullied he could not help but fear that at any moment he would fall victim to some bully's need to take their frustrations with life out on him.  Yes Ron was now his protector thanks to the intervention of Ron's uncle but he could not help but feel deep down Ron still strongly desired to make his life miserable as he had done the past three years.  That he would love nothing more to pull him into a nearby bathroom and repeatedly dunk his over and over again in a toilet.

His stomach twisted into knots at the thought.

And there was not just Ron.  There were the other members of the football team who dispised him.  And then there was Randall Moore who had gotten into a fight with last week and probably for dying for another chance to extract his pound of flesh from him.  He was just glad that Mason Chambers was currently sitting in a cell at the county prison and it did not look like he was getting out anytime soon.

One less bully I have to worry about Jasper thought. I just wish Frances and Randall were in jail as well.  Or at least expelled for the beatings they gave me.  But for some reason their kicking my but  Randall's public humiliation of Buddy last week did not merit an expulsion.  Or even a suspension.  They both just got detentions for what they did.

What a joke Jasper thought bitterly.  This whole school is nothing but a joke. No one Butch Johnson would rather be home schooled than attend hear.  I can't say that I blame him.  

He was then pulled from his musings by someone slamming into him almost knocking him off balance.  Jasper managed to catch himself before he went sprawling out onto the floor in front of his fellow students much to his humiliation.  And he had suffered enough humiliation to last him a lifetime.

"Watch where you are going loser." Jack Dalton said as he walked past him.

The word jerk wanted to escape from his lips but he quickly restrained himself.  The last thing he needed was a confrontation with the bully.  A bully who unlike Randall Moore was not scared of Ron or the other members of the football team.  Who would not mind slamming him into the lockers even if it meant getting his own butt kicked by Ron later.

Jasper just turned around and continued down the hall.  He heard a couple of other students snicker loser but he ignored them as well.  He did not care about their opinion or what they said about him.  

"Free Elizabeth Johnson."  Jasper then heard a voice say up ahead.  He then saw  teenage girl holding a pile of papers in one hand and trying to give said papers to the passing students.  Much to her frustration they picked up their pace to get pass her without making any eye contact.  "Free Elizabeth Johnson."  She vainly said again much to her frustration.  Her eyes then met Jasper's and she said "Free Elizabeth Johnson."  She then shoved a piece of paper into his hand.

Jasper's stomach turned as he looked at the paper. A picture of smiling face was at the top with the words Free Elizabeth Johnson printed in block letters above it.  His stomach twisted in disgust just looking at her.  His brow creased with confusion as he said "Why would I want to do that?"

"Because my aunt has been unjustly imprisoned."    Sharon Kirkpatrick the daughter of Elizabeth Johnson's younger sister said. 

"Unjustly imprisoned?"  Jasper said with a small laugh.  "You do know that she is in prison for sexually molesting several boys."  He gave her an incredulous look as spoke.  "Several of which are your own cousins."

"Lies."  Sharon said forcefully.  "All lies."

He gave her a dumbfounded look.  "So your cousin Mason is lying about the years of sexual and physical abuse?  Brandon is lying about her groping him on several occassions..."

"Yes."  She said cutting him off.  "She might have spanked Mason on occasion for disrespect...."

"She did more than spank him."  Jasper then said.  "She shoved ginger root up his anus a half a dozen times."

"No she didn't."  Sharon said as anger flickered in her eyes.  "My uncle Burt is making them say those things so he could send her to prison to avoid a messy divorce and he will be free to sleep around with half of the town again."

"Like he needed to divorce her to do that."  Jasper said joked.

Sharon's eyes narrowed.  "Do you think this is funny Jasper."  He watched as a vien began to throb in her neck and he was sure any moment steam would come rushing out of her ears.  "You think an innocent woman being sent to jail is a joke."

"She is not innocent."  Jasper handed her the flyer back. "Your own grandmother believes she is guilty."

"My grandmother is sleeping with Burt Johnson."  Sharon said.  Or at least that is what my mom told me.  

"Eeew."  Jasper said.  "What is she like a hundred."

"She is sixty eight."  Sharon said giving him a dirty look.  "And she has been having an affair with Burt Johnson for years."

Would not surprise me Jasper thought even though he found the idea disturbing.  "Even if she is it does not mean that your aunt is innocent."  Jasper told her. "She is a sexual predator and she belongs in jail."

"The only person who belongs in jail is Burt Johnson."  Sharon said. "He is the real sexual predator.  He has preyed on the women of this town for the last thirty years."

"I'm not going to defend Mister Johnsons actions over the years."  Jasper said. "But from what I understand he has never had sex with anyone without their consent, who was underage, and unlike your Aunt Elizabeth he can take no for an answer."  He then walked away from her.

"You're wrong Jasper."  Sharon yelled at him.  She then looked at the others as they moved past her.  "You are all wrong about my aunt you will see."   A couple of girls who she was sure were Brian's half sisters glared at her.  "She is innocent.  You will see."  A wave of resignation and she then said in a soft voice.  "You will see."

Jasper shook his head in disbelief as continued his way through the mob of students and finally stopping at a classroom.  His stomach twisted in knots as he stood outside the door.  He felt the overwhelming urge to run, run far away from the door and find some place to hide.  But he did not.  His legs refused to move and the only thing he could was knock on the door.

"Coming."  A voice said from the other side of the door sending chills up his spine.  It then opened revealing his father who said "There you are Jasper."  He then motioned at him to come in as he said "Come in."

"Yes sir."  He said as a lump formed in his throat.  He walked into the classroom wondering why his father had asked to see him.  The two had barely spoken since his mother had kicked him out of the house.  Yes he had apologized for how he treated him and promised not to be so hard on him he could not help but fear that he had been summoned to his room for a beating.

His hear then sunk into his chest as the door closed behind him.  He was sure any moment he would hear the familiar sound of his father's belt passing through the loops of his pants and him being told to bend of the desk.  

A lump formed in his throat which he tried in vain to swallow.  His mind raced as he tried to figure out what he could have done.  But nothing came to mind.

"You wanted to see me sir?"  Jasper said as his body began to tremble.

Agony filled him as he waited for his father to respond.

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