- 02. 𝗜 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 -

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"Morning!" Soobin greeted Jake cheerfully. "Morning," Jake said quietly. "You good?" Soobin asked ushering Jake into the building and to his regular seat. "No, to be honest," Jake sighed as he plopped down onto the bench. "What's wrong?" The older asked sitting down in front of him. Jake paused for a second before responding. "A kid at school bumped into me yesterday and now my laptop is ruined," Jake complained. "Oh... I'm sorry," Soobin said, his voice soft. "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything," Jake said. "I know, it's just, you're always on your laptop whenever you come here. I don't think I've ever seen you not doing some type of work on it. I wish I could help but money's tight right now," Soobin said feeling bad for the boy. "It's okay, I'll find a way to get my work done," Jake reassured him with a small smile.

Jake met up with Sunghoon and went to the side of the school as usual. "Worth $600," Jake said coldly handing the taller a small bag with a silver ring in it. "Thanks...?" Sunghoon said, his confusion obvious in his voice. Jake started to walk away but Sunghoon stopped him by grabbing his arm. "What else do you want?" Jake asked with an annoyed expression. "Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked. "Since when have you cared how I felt?" Jake questioned before getting out of his grip and walking away. Sunghoon stood there confused as to what happened. "Ever since the first time we met," He said to himself quietly.

"Before I dismiss you there will be a test on Monday so please be prepared. And I have a practice sheet that you can complete to better your grade," Jake's math teacher, Mrs. Bae informed the students before handing out a two-page packet. After she finished passing out the papers she dismissed the class.

When everybody exited the classroom Sunghoon went up to Jake. "Here you go!" The younger said with a joyful voice. Jake snatched the papers out of his hand. "Bro, what the hell is wrong with you?" Sunghoon asked, his smile instantly going away. "It's none of your business," Jake said coldly. "Normally you're so happy and sweet, what changed?" Sunghoon said looking the older in the eyes. "It's nothing. Now, if you excuse me I have your homework to do along with my own," Jake said emphasizing the words your and my. He then left and went to his locker.

When he opened the door he saw something squeezed between two books. He took it out and saw $400. There was also a note.

I'm sorry about your laptop. Hope this helps. And please don't cry. I saw you and it made me really upset seeing you like that. Remember to think happy thoughts. I believe in you! Hwaiting!!

Jake smiled and looked around. Nobody was in sight. He didn't know who it came from but he was grateful for them. That person had to be an angel sent down to earth. He quickly got his things and headed towards Choi's Chai.

"Soobin!" He squealed as soon as he opened the door. People gave him looks. When he realized other people were in the café he started bowing while apologizing before walking to the counter. "Why are you so happy?" Soobin asked as he packed a pickup order. "Someone did the sweetest thing today," He said eagerly to tell the story. "Ooo, can't wait to hear about it," Soobin said smiling.

Jake smiled bigger than he was before and went to his spot and sat down. He took out the practice sheets and started working on them. When he finished he ordered himself a bite. It was pretty boring waiting on Soobin's shift to end. He liked it when he had a lot of work to do, time went by faster when he did, but today was a Friday so the teachers didn't assign anyone homework.

He was scrolling on his phone with his head resting on his arm when Soobin tapped him on the head. "Shall we?" Soobin asked with his hand out. Jake put his phone in his pocket before taking his hand. The duo walked to the back room and went up the stairs revealing a minimalistic maisonette. "Want some snacks or something?" Soobin asked heading to the kitchen. "No, I'm good," Jake said going to sit on the couch. A second later Soobin joined Jake on the couch with a bag of chips in his hand. "So what happened?!" He asked excitedly.

"Someone gave me $400 to buy a new laptop!" Jake said smiling ear to ear. "Oh my God, really?!" Soobin said happy for his friend. Jake took the money out of his bag and gave it to Soobin. He got a $100 bill and put it up to the light. "It's real!" He exclaimed. "That'd be mean if it wasn't," Jake said. "And look what else they gave me," He said taking out the note and handing it to Soobin. He read it and started grinning. "This is so sweet," He said pretending to cry. Jake rolled his eyes. "What? I'm serious. You could have a new friend maybe even a boyfriend," Soobin said smirking. Jake hit him playfully. "I already like someone," Jake said shyly. "Ooo, who? Spill the tea," Soobin said leaning closer to Jake.

"Yah! Sunghoon hyung, when are you gonna tell Jake hyung you like him?" One of Sunghoon's friends asked. "Sunoo, I've already told you, when I feel the time is right," Sunghoon sighed leaning back so his back was touching the headboard of his bed. "But when will that be?" Another one of his friends, Heeseung asked. "I don't know," Sunghoon replied. "He looked happy when he saw what you gave him," Jay, another friend added. "When will you stop treating that poor boy like a slave?" Heeseung asked feeling bad for Jake. "I don't!" Sunghoon defended himself raising his voice. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. "Hyung, you sound stupid," One of them said. "Shut up, Ni-ki. This is a grown people conversation," Sunghoon said causing Ni-ki to roll his eyes and go back to playing games on his phone. "Well, as the most mature person here I'd like to say, hyung, you sound stupid," The fifth one, Jungwon said.

"I don't have a chance anyway. He hates me," Sunghoon said looking down. "No, he doesn't. Don't think like that," Jay reassured him. "Yeah, what hyung said. I mean did you see the way he was smiling while reading your note? He obviously likes you a little bit," Sunoo said sassily. "Cheer up," Heeseung said patting Sunghoon's thigh.

After talking for a few hours Soobin took Jake to get a new Laptop. Luckily the USB didn't get damaged in the fall so he had all of his work. "I love that person so much," Soobin said as they walked back to the café. "Me too," Jake said smiling while holding a bag that contained his new laptop. "I wish they would've told me who they are though," Jake said. "Hopefully you find out soon," Soobin said as they reached their destination.

Jake put the device in his backpack before hugging Soobin. "Thanks for taking me to the store," He said squeezing the life out of him. "You're welcome," The taller said trying to get Jake off of him. "See you tomorrow?" Jake asked. "Yep," Soobin said with a nod. "Bye," Jake said letting go of him. "Bye-bye," Soobin said smiling.

When Jake entered his house his dad was knocked out on the couch. Jake suddenly felt anxious. His happiness was about to come to an end. He quietly went to his room and put up his things. He then took out his phone and ordered himself dinner. When placing the order he left a note telling the delivery person to go to the window in his bedroom and not the front door.

Around 20 minutes later he heard a knock on the window. He opened the window and grabbed his meal. "You good kid?" The delivery man who appeared to be in his thirties asked. "Yes sir, my dad's in the living room sleeping. I didn't want to wake him that's all," Jake said with a smile. "Okay, have a nice rest of the night," The man said before leaving.

Jake beat himself up in his head for not telling the man but it was too late. He had already left. There was nothing he could do. He cursed at himself before eating. When he finished he got ready for bed. He got into his bed and started to drift off to sleep until a notification popped up on his screen.

Hoon 😒
"Meet me at the gate in front of the school tomorrow. You don't have a choice."

1481 words

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