28- Night out/ Part 2

Start from the beginning

Brady looked at them confused and I just smiled, taking a sip of my water like I didn't know what was happening. She looked nervous but I gave her a thumbs up, trying to reassure her that she's got this.

"Eleanor, would you like to dance?" A guy whom I couldn't remember his name but knew he was a high school friend of Brady's asked.

"No, thank you. I'm going to rest for a bit but maybe later?"

"How about with me?"

I turned towards Brady, "excuse me?" I wasn't sure if I heard him right and I didn't want to embarrass myself by assuming anything.

He smiled. "Dance. Would you like to dance with me? I mean, you would have to sit on my lap…" He shook his head, "never mind that was a stupid-"

Smiling, I placed my hand on top of his and cut him off before he could change his mind. "I would love to dance with you, Brady."

He smiled. "Okay, come on. This might get kind of tricky."

'Boot Scootin' Boogie' by Brooks & Dunn had come on as we went over to the small dance floor. I pulled my dress down so it couldn't ride up and sat down slowly on Brady's lap. Wrapping my one arm around his back, I looked at him. "Is this okay?"


"Umm, Brady? As your nurse I have to advise you against-"

Brady's smile faded and he glared up at Christian. "Good thing I didn't ask you, now push us."

I chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Brady asked with a smirk upon his face.

I leaned down to Brady's ear. "I've kinda missed Grumpy Brady a little bit."

I looked up at Christian, promising him just one song. I felt bad he had to push us but chances are if Brady used the electric joystick to control his wheelchair, we would probably hit people.

He just scooted us back and forth and spun us a few times before Brady told Christian to stop. "Eleanor, watch this."

Brady broke through the crowd and snuck up behind Jake.

"You leave those two alone. They're having fun." I warned.

"Jake would do the same to me." Brady turned and pinched Jake's butt, making Jake scream and me laugh hard as Brady hurried out of there.

"What's he doing?"

I looked back. "Glaring and shaking his head at us."

Brady stopped on the dance floor and turned so we faced Jake again. Brady waved at him as Jake flicked Brady off and mumble words I couldn't quite make out. Both of us were still laughing when the song changed and 'Tennessee Whiskey' by Chris Stapleton came on.

This was one of my favorite songs and come to think of it, since we've gotten here there hasn't been a slow song played once tonight. I looked over at Brady, our smiles slowly fading as we stared into each other's eyes.

I was expecting Brady to tell me to get off and our dance was over, but he didn't. His grip on the side of my waist tightened and the hand that was holding the joystick to his wheelchair came up, removed my hat and set it down on my lap.

Normally I probably would have cared because I was well aware we were surrounded by tons of people that could recognize me any minute, but in that moment… nothing else mattered.

He brought his hand up again, wrapping it around the back of my neck. The arm that rested on his shoulder, laid at the nape of his neck and the other hand rested on his chest as he pulled me into him so my cheek was resting against his.

"This is my new favorite song, Ellie." His warm breath against my neck sent chills throughout my whole body.

I smiled, "Mine too."

"I've been waiting for a moment alone with you all night."

I didn't respond, I just smiled because I couldn't think straight. Everything around us faded away as we 'danced'. I was almost positive we were still just sitting there, not moving at all but it felt like we were dancing… just him and I to this beautiful song.

"Ellie?" Brady whispered.

I sat up, slightly. "Am I hurting you?"

His eyes were dark as he shook his head no. He smiled slightly and started to pull me down again. I could feel the tension building the closer I got to his lips. I reached up, touching his chin and went the rest of the way until our lips finally connected.

Nothing compares to that first kiss with someone, especially the one I've been getting to know over the past month and that I've started slowly falling for.

This was bad, but it felt right. Brady was different from any other man from my past and I couldn't stop myself. He let out a moan as soon as our tongues touched and I had to do everything in my power to remind myself not to straddle him because I didn't want to hurt his back.

Our song finished and a new fast song started playing loudly, making people scream. I jumped, interrupting the moment between Brady and I.

Fuck! Why was I always so jumpy?

I sat up. We looked at each other, trying to catch our breath, thinking back to the wonderful moment we had just shared.

It might have been short but it was perfect and it left my craving more.

"There you guys are." Kassidy said as she came running over with Lily. "We're getting ready to leave."

"Oh." I carefully got off Brady. My knees were weak and my body felt like it was on fire still as I tried coming down from the high I was on.

Kassidy helped Brady through the crowd while Lily linked her arm through mine until we reached Jamie and met everybody outside.

Jake and Kassidy weren't looking at each other so I made a mental note to ask what happened later.

Brady told Christian to go with Greg and I ended up in Brady's truck. Jake looked tense as he drove, Chase passed out and was leaning up against Mike who looked annoyed. Brady had pulled his visor down so he was looking straight at me, looking for some kind of reaction.

After a few minutes I couldn't hold back anymore, I smiled and shook my head at him. He smiled back and for the first time he looked like he had finally relaxed since our kiss.

The rest of the drive back, our eyes never left each other, and neither did our smiles.

Pulling up to my house, I was glad to be home. The drive home made me tired and I couldn't wait to crawl into bed.

"Goodnight guys." I got out and closed the door behind me, wishing I had just a little more time with Brady.

Grabbing my keys, I headed to the door when I heard my name. "Eleanor?"

I turned to see Brady had rolled down his window. "Yeah?"

"Will you come see me in the hospital?"

I smiled. "Of course I will."

"Good." He closed his window and I started heading inside my house.

After I cleaned up and changed I got into my bed, noticing I had a text…

Brady- Night, Ellie.

Me- Night, Cowboy.

****Double update today because this chapter got incredibly long. Hope you enjoyed it. ****

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