Part 4

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"Sorry, after wine, I love to rinse alcohol with coffee," Jimin sipped from the cup in his hand, with a smile plastered across his face.

Jin raised an eyebrow as he maneuvered to the parking space. "So what's with the smile? Are you and Jungkook official? I am not aware that you and he are friends. Or, are you?"

Jimin scratched the back of his head. He was kind of timid in confiding that he and Jungkook were sort of dating. "Honestly, I don't know where are we right now. We enjoy each other's company though. He's aware that you're my brother. He always mentions me being a student and you being my brother, so I guess, he's respecting that."

"I appreciate that. He's a gentleman," Jin's brows furrowed as he noticed a blue sports car that had just left Kim's parking space. And it did not pass Jimin's eyes.

"Namjoon bought a new car?" Jimin looked at his brother who looked confused as he was. Jin knew the cars they owned and he wasn't aware that Namjoon was interested in buying a sports car.

"Not that I know of," Jin answered. His tone was unsure while his eyes followed the blue sports car until it was out of sight.

"But that's Namjoon's family parking slots, right? Does he have a visitor? At this hour?" Jimin glanced at his wrist and it was already two in the morning.

Jin chose not to respond. He didn't know what to say, anyway.

Before the elevator stopped at Jimin's floor, Jin hugged his little brother, "Please message me if Dad is home. I haven't seen him in a while."

Jimin nodded and returned his brother's hug, "I will. And tell me about your husband's guest! Good night!"

Seokjin took a deep breath before entering their home. The house was quiet and a helper bowed at his presence. "Did someone visit?" Jin asked in a low voice.

The helper looked around and smiled nervously. He took a nod and sent the helper to bed. One thing the helpers in that household love about him is, that he always gets them out of trouble. Or didn't want them to get in trouble, in general.

Namjoon was in bed, reading a book when Jin entered their bedroom. Namjoon lowered his book as he greeted his husband. "Good evening. How's the party?"

Jin, while removing his coat and getting ready to shower leaned down and kissed Namjoon on the cheek, "It wasn't a party. It looked more like a formal event to me. It's a Jazz Club of some sort. They serve nice wine though."

Namjoon smirked, "Jimin went to an event like that? Isn't he a teen? Jazz music for a teen?"

Jin didn't like the tone in his husband's voice. One thing he didn't like about Namjoon was how he always tried to belittle his family. "It's his friend's newly opened business. And just in case you didn't know, Jungkook partnered with his friends to open that club. Jimin and Jungkook are friends so my brother got invited. Besides, can't teens listen to jazz? Not everyone is into pop or rock music."

Namjoon removed his eyeglasses and put down the book in his hand. Curious at what Jin had just said. "Jungkook opened a business?"

Jin turned his back before rolling his eyes. "Is there something unbelievable in that? The Min's have businesses not just Yoongi being your lawyer or your dad financing Governor Min's campaigns."

Namjoon scoffed, "Cut the crap. Yoongi didn't mention that his brother is turning into a businessman apart from being an irresponsible son."

Jin crossed his arms as he glared at his husband. Though he was used to Namjoon, and Namjoon's family as a whole, often speaking ill against everyone living in the Celestial Tower, it still annoyed him. He hated that he was related to a family who thought highly of themselves just because they were living in the penthouse of the tower. "Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok are nice people. They are far from being irresponsible. Stop speaking unnecessary things about others just because you are above them. I mean, literally above them."

The High Society || Taejinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن