⁹Koi no yokan

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(n.) The extraordinary sense upon first meeting someone that you will one day fall in love with.


A FEW WEEKS HAVE passed with no interesting things worth even mentioning, but here's a quick catch-up on what's going on.

Peggy's declared "her love" for Evan Rosier and is now hellbent on getting with him.

Lucius and Severus practically declared war on the gryffindors, starting a prank war in which Gideon and Fabian are winning by a mile.

Narcissa and Lucius also discussing more about their future wedding.

Adira and Regulus haven't been up to much to be honest, school, death eater meeting, school, death eater meeting, you get the gist.


Currently, Adira and Regulus sat in potions, not listening to slughorn drone on, Regulus sat where he carved his name into the table a few weeks ago, the carving still there but now much deeper as he kept adding to it every lesson.

"Will you stop that?" Adira snapped, the sound of his quill chipping away at pieces of the table sounding like finger nails on a blackboard, knocking her sick.

"What?" He said, looking at her for the first time today.

"You're so fucking annoying." She sighed, placing the feather of her quill in her mouth as she turned her attention back to the board, not missing the way Regulus was staring at her mouth.

Silence for a couple seconds.

"Will you stop that?" Regulus echoed her words from earlier, except this time she genuinely had no idea what she'd done.

"What?" She turned to ask him.

"Biting your fucking quill." He said, slapping her pen away from her.

"What? How does me biting my quill have any affect on your well-being what so ever!"


"You're going to get ink in your mouth." He said, casually.

"If i want to get ink poisoning, leave me to it black." She replied with a shrug.

He started at her for a few more seconds before smirking and looking back to the front.

they didn't say much after that.


"DO YOU THINK we're going to end up living the lives we've always wanted?" Narcissa said, staring up at the ceiling.

"Why do you insist on deeping everything?" Peggy said, closing her eyes.

Narcissa shrugged, even though nobody could see her as they laid on there own beds.

"I think you both will." Adira answered honestly, "You'll get married, have a beautiful baby and be happy." She said to Narcissa, knowing it's what she wanted. Then she turned to peggy, "You'll travel the world, meet fit guys and eventually settle down after meeting everyone and seeing everything."

She lifted her head up to look at the girls faces, both had a huge smile plastered onto them, before Peggy frowned, "What about you?"

It's a question that Adira thought about a lot, it's hard not too with everything going on, but in all honesty Adira couldn't imagine her future. The war still going on and only getting worse as time progressed and she was on the dark team, how many people on the dark team live? Very few, it's sad to say but at 16 Adiras already made her peace with knowing she'll be dead before she's turned 20.

Enchanted Lover -> Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now