Home ( Ghost )

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It's been months since you've seen Ghost . ever since he went on that solo mission you've been in shambles . you hid it well for the most part but price and the others started to catch on . you haven't eaten in days , you refused to eat  or drink at all and you were just feeling like overall shit . The others have tried to get you to eat but you didn't answer your door at all or anything . your body became weaker and weaker as the days went by . you didn't have a current mission which you  or the others didn't have to worry about but now the others had to worry about you . you were stubborn and you put up a fight so they knew it wasn't gonna be easy to get you to cooperate . you missed him so fucking much and you feared of the worst that he was dead . you had no communication from him in months so it really was hard to have hope that he was alive . soap tried telling you that he literally lives up to his name being a Ghost an all not knowing where he is but you also had to understand that it was for the mission and if he tried to get in contact with you or anyone he could out the mission in jeopardy and you knew he wasn't gonna do that . you laid in your bed , staring at your ceiling just thinking about your beloved simon . It was hard every single night . showering was hard , eating was hard and everything else . you slept with a shirt that was his since it reminded you of him . his smell still lingered on it and you just snuggled with it at night to keep you somewhat sane while he was out . you missed those nights where he laid with you and held you close , you missed those nights where you were able to comfort him and be there with him . you missed these nights where it was nothing but you being with him . you were broken from your thoughts when you heard someone knock on your door .
'' heys it's me soap , y/n you eating dinner tonight ?.''
He asked, hoping for a good answer .
He didn't get an answer and he sighed and leaned against your door.
'' y/n i know you miss him but focus on the mis-
'' soap how the fuck am i supposed to focus on the mission when i dont know if he is alive or not.''
You rasped out .
'' Listen, he'll be fine, okay . I know he will . you've been sitting in your room moping around for days you need to eat and drink okay .''
No answer was given from you .
'' can i come in ?.''
He asked .
'' No .''
You yelled sternly from your bed .
Soap sighed and he headed back to the rec room and he walked over to price .
'' she's not cooperating .''
He sighed .
'' good news for y/n and us , he's coming back .''
Price spoke .
'' good , i just don't like seeing her like this .''
Soap said .
'' she'll be fine...i hope .''
Price said .
Soap shook his head and he headed to the living room and he turned on the tv .
A few hours passed and everyone went to bed and you did as well . you didn't hear it but your door opened with a little crack and a thud hit the floor . Simon was back. He set his bag down and he unclipped his vest and he walked over to you and his shared bed and he saw you sleeping there . He saw the dried tears streaks on your cheeks and he knew all too well that you've been like this every night . he unstripped from his gear and he made sure that he was quite so he didn't wake you and he went into the bathroom that was in your room and he showered . He took off his mask and he started showering . After a few minutes he stopped out and dried himself off and he put on some sweatpants and he put on a nice fitting shirt and he slipped his mask back on . He quietly stepped over to you and he slipped in bed next to you and he caressed your face . your eyes fluttered open and you saw it , it was him . you wasted no time and you instantly wrapped your arms around him and held onto him tightly .
'' you asshole you left me .''
You spoke while quietly crying into the crook of his neck .
'' im sorry , it was for the mission but im back now luv .''
He said softly while rubbing your back .
'' im glad your back now , i swear to fuck next time price better let me go with you .''
You said as you wiped your tears with your free hand.
Ghost chuckled and he held onto you with your face resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around your body . you snuggled into him more and you sighed in relief . he pulled his mask up halfway and he kissed your forehead and he pulled the covers over you .
'' your getting breakfast tomorrow when we wake uo .''
He said knowing damn well you haven't been eating .
'' as long as i'm with you .''
You said being happy that he's finally with you.
'' lets get some sleep luv , you need it .''
He said while pulling his mask back down and snuggling with you .
'' i like the sound of that .''
You spoke while you both held onto each other .
You were finally whole again now that your simon was finally back to you safe and sound in your arms .

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