Support ( Ghost )

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You were a very closed off person , you tended to push people away and kept to yourself often.
You stood in your room filling out reports . It was about 2 am and you still had 25 reports to go.
You yawned as you got up from your desk and you went out of your room and you walked down the hallway quietly . You decided to head to the Rec room to make coffee since you were tired and still had work to do . Your body basically runs off coffee and protein bars . You wanted to make coffee since you still had work  to do , price said that you could do them tomorrow but you just wanted to get it over with . You tiredly walked over to the coffee maker and you turned it on waiting for your coffee to  start brewing . It was nights like these that made you think and stressed. You thought about work but you also thought about how you didn't have anyone outside of your military job . If anything your squad was your family , even Ghost . You leaned against the counter , waiting for your coffee to be done . You watched as the coffee poured into the mug waiting for it to be done. Once the coffee filled your mug you took it in Han and stared down at the brown liquid. You never really were fond of drinking it but it did the trick to keep you awake . You sighed as you walked back to your room as you walked back to your room and a strong coffee smell lingered throughout the hallway . You finally got back and you sat at your desk and you and you set your mug down next to the papers . You went to continue filling out the reports until you heard a knock at your door . You got up and dragged yourself to your door and opened it to see a tall masked man , Ghost .
He looked down at you and he scanned over your features . He saw your very tired low lidded eyes and the bags that were under them.
" Oh hey Ghost , what's up ?."
You said with a tired tiny smile .
" I came to check in , why are  you up so late ?."
He said in a low stern tone .
" it's nothing alright "
You tried to shrug it off and get him to leave you be. He looked into your room and he saw your desk , scattered with a bunch of papers and many empty mugs of coffee laying around.
" I beg to differ ."
He spoke .
" get some sleep , you can finish later ."
He said softly , changing his tone with you .
" I'll be fine, I only have a few left. "
You said as you yawned. 
" y/n go to bed ."
He urged you .
" after I finish alright ."
You said , wanting to go back to work but also wanting to sleep as well.
" do the rest tomorrow okay. I don't like seeing you stay up late like this everyday all the time."
He said softly , leaning in towards you .
" yeah...."
You said quietly.
" listen I care about you alright , more then just a sergeant ."
He said quietly while looking down at his feet.
He sighed knowing you weren't gonna listen so he decided to let it lie this time .
" If you need me, I'll be in my room. "
He said while patting your shoulder leaving you at your door thinking . His words replayed in your head as you headed back In your room cleaning up the papers on your desk. You finished after a few minutes of tidying up and you slipped into your back.  What Ghost had said made you crack. You let your tears fall for once . You had just let out all your bottled up emotions . You didn't really have anyone one that cared about you like how Ghost did . Your parents hadn't cared for you , they neglected you . You really didn't know how it felt to be cared about like that .
You let out a few quiet sobs and you left your room and headed to Ghosts. You walked down the end of the hallway and you went in front of Ghost's door and knocked quietly . After a minute of waiting his door opened and he looked down at you surprised but concerned.
" What's wrong ?."
He asked concerned and confused why you were crying . Your tinted pink puffy eyes and your drenched shirt said enough . He opened his door more letting you in and you walked into his room wiping away your tears . Ghost closed the door , confused about what was happening but he thought of one thing.
He walked over to you and he wrapped his arms around you hesitantly. Your eyes widened a bit and you were shocked from the lack of touch.
You've never been confused in a way but you liked it . You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly as if it would be your last time together. He rubbed your back , comforting you to the best of his abilities.
" You can stay if you want ."
He spoke in a low tone .
You nodded against him and you both pulled away from each other . He led you to the bed and you got next to him and he threw the covers over you and him . He scooted closer to you and he looked down at you .
" Ghost, is it okay ...."
He nodded and he let you wrap your arms around him and he did the same . He rubbed your back and you just calmed down .
" it's Simon , call me simon "
He said,
You looked up at him shocked but you knew he only said things like that when he trusted people.
You nodded and you let out a shaky breath .
" I could get used to this ..."
You said quietly.
" Well you're in luck ."
He chuckled a bit while pulling away from you a bit and wiping your tears away. He lifted up his mask and you looked away .
" It's okay ."
He said softly , gently turning your head to face and he lifted his mask up half way only above his mouth.
" May I ?."
He asked and you nodded .
He pulled you into a kiss , letting the moment unfold . You smiled into the kiss and you both pulled away naturally.
" You're good at hiding your feelings towards others but not to me , I've seen the way you look at me ."
He said.
" Well I did like you for some time ."
You chuckled, holding on to him tightly. 
" you better start sleeping on a regular schedule."
He said in a stern playful tone .
" I will ."

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