Chapter 2

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After the incident with Bella. I shrunk back into my seat. I looked over to where Alice was sitting. She was sitting with the blond girl that I had bumped into before. Next to here was a guy that looked like he could wrestle a bear. Next to Alice was a girl with long brown hair. The guy from my history class was sitting next to the buff guy. The last one was sitting at the other end of the table and he was looking at the Bella girl. I got up from my seat and took off toward the bathroom feeling like I couldn't breathe. I knew I was having an anxiety attack. I opened the bathroom door and went into the stall. I slid down and started to cry. I was having trouble breathing too. There was a knock on the stall door and I opened it to see the brown hair girl and Alice. Alice said "Are you alright." I shook my head no. Alice said "this is Melody, she's my girlfriend." Alice hugged me and said "come on, you can sit with us." I looked down and started to get control of my breathing. I said "no thank you. I think I just need to head home." Melody said "not after what just happened. I know Jasper will be happy to have you sit with us." I didn't have the strength to argue with these two. I nodded my head and we went back into the lunch room. I sat in between Melody and Alice. Alice said "The blond next to Melody is Rosile. Next to her is Emmet and next to him is Jasper." I said "hi I'm Emerald." Rose asked "Where are you from?" I said "Scotland needed a change of scenery." Jasper kept looking at me and not saying anything.

When Lunch was over I said "thank you, Alice and Melody, for helping me out earlier." Melody said "no problem." I went off to biology as that was my last class of the day. I had Bella in this class and I wanted to go home and not deal with her. I went to my seat and class started. The other guy that was sitting at Alice's table was sitting next to Bella. Great, now I have to deal with both of them. After class I walked back to the office to turn my paper in and I walked out to my car. When I got to my car I noticed Jasper and Rose standing by it. I said "Hi" Rose said "Is this your car?" I said "yea she is." Jasper said "I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. I'm Jasper Whitlock ma'am." I said "Pleasure to meet you Jasper.." I got into my car after saying goodbye to them and headed toward home. Once I got home I went into the house. I sat down at the kitchen island and started to do my homework. I made a pizza for dinner and sat down to watch tv. After all of my homework was done I went up and took a shower. I put on pajama pants and a tank top. I grabbed a book and laid on the bed. I soon fell asleep. I kept having nightmares about everything that I had been through in my past. I woke up in a cold sweat and screaming. I looked at the clock and it was 3 am. I had to get up in 3 hours and go to school. I rolled back over and went back to sleep.

When I woke up to the alarm I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I was tired and was not in the mood for school. After my shower I threw on black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. I put on my combat boots and put a beanie on my head. I went down to the kitchen and made some tea with blood in it. I grabbed a protein bar and ran out to my car. I looked across the way and saw Alice getting into her car. I backed out of my driveway and drove to school. Once I arrived at school I parked next to a beat up old truck. I was sitting there trying to collect my thoughts when there was a knock on the window. I finished drinking my tea. I looked up to see Jasper standing outside of my door. He opened the door and held out his hand for me to take. I noticed that his hand was cold and there was a little bit of a spark that went through me. Jasper said "Good morning Em." I said "Good morning Jasper" Jasper said "you look beautiful this morning." I blushed and said "thank you." I was starting to have the anxiety to build up. Jasper asked "what wrong darlin?" I said, "It's nothing." I don't think that he believed me. We walked into the school and we walked to our history class together. During class Jasper and I sat there taking notes and answering questions. It was nice to be around him even though he was a vampire. 

The Tribirds Mate (a Jasper Whitlock/hale  love storyWhere stories live. Discover now