A Web of Vines

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Chapter 17: A Web of Vines

The closer we got to the entrance the greater the foreboding pressure I felt. What ever lay in wait in there, it knew we were out here. It knew and it was excited about it. I am sure we would make a great snack.

"This will be a hard fight, Mistress." Stated Vendaval at my back. His fur was on end and his eyes were locked on the abys before us. Vale stood in front of me, examining the vines and keeping silent for now. Kassidy and Markus were to my left, discussing battle strategies or some such. To my right was Roran. Apparently, he was feeling less combative right now as he had stopped shooting me death glares a while ago and was, instead, squinting into the darkness.

"If the circumstances were any different, I would have suggested we turn back." Said Vale after a couple minutes. His break in silence had the rest of us paying attention. "We are an underdeveloped party, facing an unknow enemy, with a time limit hanging over our heads to boot. I can not guarantee that we will make it out with our lives."

"But?" I asked. There had to be a but. There was always a but. I have said 'but' way too much...

"But these are harsh times for our nation." He said seriously. "The Demon King has returned, the kingdoms are unstable, people don't know if their livelihoods or families are safe from one day to the next. What keeps the peace during these times is the knowledge that we have our heroes on our side. And one of those heroes is in need right now." He looked back at Kassidy who looked worried.

"Sure, lay on the pressure." I mumbled, irritated at the man.

"It is not fair. I know. And you have said it multiple times on be half of our heroes as well Sin. But it is reality."

"The heroes are needed." Stated Roran, still staring off into the void. It was a monotonous statement, like a refrain he had repeated many times. It kind of creeped me out.

"The fact of the matter is that Hearth needs the other-worldly strength that heroes bring to defeat the Demon King. But we do not expect you to have to bare this burden alone. It is why the Nine Squadrons exist after all. During peaceful times we train. We teach new recruits and train some more. We do this so that when the Demon King returns, and the Heroes are summoned, they are not alone."

I could see the resolve hardening in both Kassidy and Markus's eyes. It felt good, knowing you weren't alone. I was only beginning to understand that myself.

"Right now, Lady Kassidy needs a magical staff." Continued Vale. "There is one just ahead of us. All that stands between us, and it are some vines and a single S ranked monster. Better than the Demon King I think."

"Was that supposed to be a pep talk?" I asked, flabbergasted. "Don't worry, its just a murderous death beast, not a murderous death beast with a crown?"

"Leave it to a demon to kill the mood." Mumbled Roran, not even looking my way.

Smiling, I sighed and shrugged. "Whatever. I'm in. Let's do it."

Kassidy chuckled. "You know." She spoke. "I don't get why you are still here. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful! But you have no obligation to risk your life. You are not a hero nor a member of any squadron..."

"What can I say. I am too nice for my own good. Besides, if I help then that means the heroes owe me a favor." I smirked, making Kassidy laugh and Markus shake his head.

"Demons...," said Roran.

"What do you think is in there?" I asked Vale after I stuck my tongue out at the back of Roran's head.

"I do not know. I never came to this place the two other times I entered this dungeon. I didn't even know of its existence. But what ever it is, it likes the darkness. I also assume that it does not eat its prey right away. That or it only likes certain parts of it. The reek of death is too strong not to have rotting corpses of some kind in there."

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