The Confrontation

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A/n pov :

With passing time, Y/n and all the BTS members started growing intimate feelings for each other.

Y/n got discharged from the hospital within few days and BTS arranged a new home for y/n near their dorm.
BTS members forced y/n to take rest for a few days at her new home before again starting to attend the college. They made sure that y/n ate well, slept well and did not take enough stress.

Finally the day has come. Today y/n will again start going to her college.

Time skip

At college

Y/n pov :

"Unfortunately I missed some classes but I'll collect all the notes from Kim Bo Min" I thought.

While our classes were going on I noticed a familiar figure. It was not Kim Bo Min. It was a girl. When she turned her face sideways to talk to another fellow classmate I recognized her.

"OMG! Isn't she the same girl who beated me harshly that day? She is my fellow classmate!" I concluded.

Time skip
Break time

Y/n pov:

I went to Bo Min for the class notes that I missed. The girl also sitting in the classroom only. I asked Bo Min the name of the girl.

"She is Lee Shin Yeong" he declared. "But why didn't you come to college these days" he questioned. "Actually I got into a minor accident and was hospitalized" I told him.

"Are you okay now? How did this happen?" he asked now looking worried.

"Actually on my way home I got involved in a minor car accident. No need to worry" I lied.

"It was not a minor accident y/n. You still look so weak. Now I understand. But why didn't you call me? I could have helped you through the hard time! Wait a minute. Why are you asking me that girl's name? Have you met with her before?"

He was asking way too much questions. I couldn't take it anymore. My head started to hurt badly.

Shin Yeong was about to go somewhere when she saw me and approached me.
"Hey Miss fucking dumbass. So you study in this college. I hope you have a good time" she smirked.

After she went away Bo Min asked "What happened between you two? Can you please tell me?"

"Bo Min please leave me alone now. I don't want to talk with anyone now."I cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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