Special Chapters Part 1: The Decision...

Start from the beginning

"So? What do i ow the pleasure of seeing the both of you at this hour?" The young monarch asked as he chuckled a bit. "Its already late Leon, Sonia needs to rest or else its gonna be bad for the baby" he added as he gestured to sonia's belly who's bulging quite a bit.

Seeing this, Leon couldn't stop his laugher and laughs out loud before looking at ash with a sad smile. "You really care for everyone huh? You barely left Galar now after you took my title from me..." he said as he looked at Ash with a slight worried & sad expression.

"Its for the best, I've already traveled throughout the regions in our world and became the champion of some of those regions aswell. With these responsibilities of mine on my shoulders, its best i grow up and think of a better future for the next generation" Ash said solemly as he looked out the window. He then leaned back on his office chair as he drops the invitation that he was holding a moment ago. "This is also for the best course of action to let my friends grow more to help aid the future pokemon trainers, coordinators, performers, breeders, researchers and many more profession's the next generation will choose to become" he added as he looked at a picture to his side containing a picture of him while carrying a little girl with brown hair smiling brightly who probably just turned 2 this year causing him to smile as beside the two adults who the two of them looked identical to. The man being an older version of Ash while the little girl he is carrying resembled his mother Delia.

"And i want my little sis to have a beautiful future as she grows up. No evil organizations or teams to threathen the world we live in." Ash stated as he looked at both Sonia & Leon with a smile. "She's more important than a silly dream i will never achieve…" he added in his thoughts.

That's right, the girl Ash is carying in his arms in the photo is his little sister while the guy beside them was Ash's father who he encountered during his journey through a region called Cornera and his father was the former champion of the region before he took the title from him to allow him to spend time with with his wife.

Leon and Sonia see in this couldn't help but chuckle and look at Ash with proud expressions on their faces. The kid who they met years ago who was unpredictable and hyper active had matured and level headed. "You really care for her don't you?" Sonia asked already knowing the answer she's gonna get from the young monarch.

Hearing this, Ash couldn't help but chuckle and just nodded his head while having a warm smile on his face. "Ashley is a bright child. I know its not my place to decide her future for her but i want to ensure that as she's growing up, she'll grow up to love Pokemon and choose the path she wishes to pursue. This is also why ive asked the Pokemon Contest and Performance boards to help me establish Pokemon Performing and Contest in the regions that don't have any of those so that if she ever travels there then she can grow more and achieve her dreams unlike me" he explained as he started signing more paper work again.

Leon & Sonia seeing this of course felt bad and looked at Ash with sadness. Its been 3 years since ash announced that he won't pursue his dream to become a Pokemon Master anymore, this was also the day when he found out that he was getting a new little sister from his parents. This came as a huge shocker to all of his close relatives, friends, and acquaintances since him saying this was nearly closed to impossible. But here he was not traveling that much anymore and only leaves Galar when he needs to take care of the regions he is titled as a champion in. It would seem that when Ash found out he was having a little sister, something happened deep within him to make him make that decision of his. The traveling companions he met on his travels were the most shocked and tried various methods to confirm if he was still himself or did a spiritomb or gengar possessed his body. Three girls in particular took this the most since they held feelings for Ash dying their travels.
[A/N: If you guys feel like it, feel free to leave a few comments on what you guys may think the gang did to Ash to confirm he was still himself on the inside…╮(─▽─)╭]

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