Chapter 5: Max's Suffering...

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Hey there everyone!! AshuraStories here and welcome to Chapter 5 of A Monarch Redemption. Happy 2023 everyone and i wish you all a happy life this year!! Im currently writing the first few parts of this chapter a day after Chapter 4 was published and im just finishing it on the end of the third week of January since i was very busy with school after the winter break. So yeah…

Also, i noticed that some of you guys commented that the girl i showed at the end of Chapter 4 was either Dawn or Serena and all i just wanna say is that im adding a bit of oil to the fire. What i mean by this is that Ash will be more suprised than you guys when he finds out who this girl is, of course I'll be manipulating a few things to make you guys think your guesses are right or wrong but trust me you'll all be suprised on what i had in store for Ash. Anyways lets get on with the chapter since what im saying probably doesnt make any sense in the slightest…

[Quick Note: Im adding a narrator from now on, he won't appear that much but ill add him at the start and end scenes of every chapter…]

Two Days After May & Max Parted Ways With Ash, Pikachu & Brock and had just arrived home

The Narrator: It was a very great day in Petalburg City, the Taillow's and Pidgey's chirping, cars and trucks honking, the streets of petalburg city bustling, its such a wonderful and peaceful day in the hoenn region.


The Narrator: Okay, almost a peaceful day…

Location: Petalburg City - The Maple Household

No One's P.O.V

"Please Spare Me!!!!!!" Max yelled as he was running around the house with a raging May not too far behind with a giant mallet in her hand. "I wasn't the one who knocked you out!! It was Ash who did it!!" he added as he jumped to dodge the mallet as it crashed down onto the floor.

"And you didn't make Ash back come home with us, with me!! Now those hungry hussies might've seen him walk around the town after we left and now are pursuing him to try and be his girlfriend!!" May retorted shouting as she delivers another swing that made a dent in the wall with Max's face under the mallet a few inches away. "So why did you let him leave!!" she added as she pulled back the mallet.

"I had no choice!! After he gave me his farewell gifts to me and said that they could help me get stronger in the future i was stuck in a daze trying to figure out what his words meant!!" Max shouted but quickly realized he twisted a few of his words and his face goes pale as he looks at may slowly. "M-may, its not what it looks like, i made a mistake, one of those was actually…" he said trying to correct his words but he immediately jolted in fear as soon as he saw May's face.

"What did you say? Ash gave you a farewell gift but didn't get me one? Hahaha…" May said as she stepped back while holding her face and laughed a bit maniacally before looking at Max with a seductive yet twisted look. "Oh Max, it seems like your also trying to take My Ash away from me like those hussies back in kanto. I never expected my little brother to betray me like this. Oh well…" she added as she gets ready for another swing.

"What!? Hold on May!! You misunder…" just before Max could finish his sentence, May interrupted her. "Oh dont worry, ill make it as painless as possible so please stay still okay?" she asked with an innocent face and smile.


It was at this day that Max had learned to never ever let May see or even get a glance or peek at Ash together with another girl ever again. It then took the whole day for May to be calmed down since she kept demanding to see Ash and have him cook her lunch. Calling Ash was impossible because their house's video phone was in pieces and the pokemon centers video phones were undergoing maintenance which made May get irritated even more cause she cant see Ash but Max miraculously somewhat or somehow replicated what Ash had cooked up for them before they parted ways that passed may's taste buds. Also, if your all wondering how these two pair of siblings were able to run amok inside the house without getting stopped by their parents then the answer is very simple, both Norman & Caroline were the first to be caught up in the start of the uproar. This happened because both of them along with Max were eating lunch discussing what happened for May to be unconcious when they arrived home but then suddenly May entered the room with the giant mallet in her hands. She started going on a rampage and didn't care on who got caught in her rampage, that sadly included both of their parents.

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