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In the sunny morning the strumming of Shane's guitar can be heard inside the cabin as I peer out the window looking at him. " Kathy!, What are you doing here ?" Brown asked suddenly appeared, making me flinch a little in surprise. Instead of answering his question, I pointed my finger to Shane who was outside. " I wanted to talk to him about what happened last night, but I don't know what to say." I sigh in defeat, looking sadly at my best friend.

" I'll help, I think my nephew needs a talk with his Uncle and you. Come on" Brown pat my shoulder in assurance as we headed outside to have a talk with Shane.

" So what exactly happened last night?" Brown started asking him as we approach and taken a seat beside where he sat. " Nothing." Shane disinterested in answering.

" Didn't look like nothing to me, mate. You look crushed. Pummeled. Absolutely destroyed." Brown said concerning when I told him about Shane state last night. 

" I got it, Uncle Brown." Shane started smiling half-hardheartedly looking at us continuing his statement. " Look, whatever. I'm just gonna focus on my music. Change my sound. I don't wanna get sidetracked with liking someone anyway." Making Brown nod in understatement and I sadly sigh knowing for sure whatever explanation I would told him, it will not get through his mind since he already decided to get over about Mitchie.

" You still looking for that girl?" Brown ask making the topic change. Making Shane look at him. " What? I'm plugged into the camp gossip, mate." He innocently said. " Also, Kathy here tells me everything." Gesturing to me receiving a glare from Shane, as I smiled and look at him apologetically.

" It's crazy. I have her song stuck in my head." Shane said weirdly and continue to sing the lyrics he heard. " This is real, This is me. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now, Gonna let the light." After making Shane feel better, I accompanied him going to his class since I know Mitchie's gonna be there.

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