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" Hey, Mrs. Torres."

" Hello Connie."

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Both Caitlyn and I greeted the Head Cook when we entered the kitchen. I was looking left and right to see if Mitchie had come because I forgot to inform her that Caitlyn will be helping out today.

" Hi Caitlyn and Kathy, Thanks for coming in early girls. Taco Night takes the entire kitchen staff and our eight hands." Connie greeted back happily while busy scooping the ingredients for the Taco to different bowls. " Eight?" Caitlyn asks looking to us questionable.

" Yeah, My daughter. Kathy already met her." I hesitantly nod as Caitlyn gave me a confuse face. " So can you guys please start in on the onions? Brown wants to talk to me about next week's campfire pig-out." She continue and walk out of the kitchen. " Sure." Both of us respond as we look around to start from the onions.

Not a second a girl holding a bag of Taco chips walk in, " Hey! You must be hands seven and eight. I didn't know Connie had a daughter, I'm Caitlyn." Caitlyn said talking to the girl while I was thinking of a plan to help out since I very knew well that the girl was Mitchie and if Caitlyn found out. I don't want to know what will happen.

Mitchie wave as a hello to Caitlyn greeting. " Do you need some help?" Caitlyn asks, I cut her off by saying... " She's fine she had it covered, Right." Stopping Caitlyn in taking a step coming to Mitchie. As I was busy distracting Caitlyn, Mitchie ran but fall down when she step the yellow square bucket that was filled with water in cleaning the floor in the kitchen.

" Mitchie?"

" Mitchie are you okay?"

We both said at the same time but mine has a concern though while Caitlyn was surprise when we ran to see her soak up from the chips. " Wait a minute, You're the cook's daughter. She's your mom. Oh, this is rich. But apparently you're not. And you knew this." Caitlyn exclaimed looking at her and diverted her gaze to me. I was about to explain when Mitchie cut me off.

" So what are you waiting for, huh? Run, Go tell everybody." Mitchie said looking up to her not caring about her state as I stand in the middle between them. Not knowing what to do.              " Maybe I should." Caitlyn respond nodding to her suggestion.

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