Ch 5: What I'd like to be

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A large lump formed in the pit of Marshall's stomach as they approached the lookout, The whole situation with Cap'n Turbot had been resolved a lot quicker than expected. Marshall had managed to cool down the overheated engine with his water cannons while Zuma used his boat to tow the vessel back to shore. Cap was super happy to be back on land and out of harm's way. For a moment, Marshall was distracted by the situation to not think about what might happen once he got back home.

"What happens now?" He thought "Chase is going to want to talk. He's going to mention what I did! That was so stupid! I don't know what I was thinking!"

Marshall couldn't really think clearly at all right now. After that night where Chase was willing to sleep beside him to ensure he'd stay put, he was so sure that Chase felt something for him. Marshall always liked Chase, for as long as he could remember, and when the opportunity came to return his affection, he just decided to jump the gun and try to kiss him out of the blue! His heart led him to that choice, not his brain and he might have just lost his best friend in one fell swoop.

The fire pup whimpered as he slowed his vehicle down towards the entrance of the lookout. He was quick to put it in park and jump out. He did a quick scan of the surrounding area. No sign of Chase or the other pups. Maybe they were inside, watching Apollo or playing a game.

"Maybe if I'm careful, I can just stay in my pup house...just hide out there for a bit" He thought, The Dalmatian patiently waited for his firetruck to convert back into his pup house. Once completed, Marshall had tiptoed towards the front, intent on hiding out as long as he could...

"Marshall, you ok dude?"

The pup jumped , not realizing that a certain brown lab had parked just next to him.

"Yikes! Oh, Zuma you scared me."

"Sorry dude, but you alwright? You kind of look like pale. I mean like...more pale than usual."

"I'm not feeling very well...I was going to go rest at my pup house for a bit."

"Oh yeah?" The brown lab walked up to the fire pup and placed a paw on his forehead. Marshall stiffened up at the sudden touch from his friend "You don't feel verwy warm to me, you look nervous. Like when you did when you had to take over for Chase's role in the play about King Arthur."

Marshall quivered slightly, Was his posture so obvious that he nervous about confronting Chase?

"I guess you can say that...funny enough, it actually has something to do with Chase."

The chocolate lab tilted his head curiously.

"Did you guys get into a fight or something?"

" was just something I did, and I don't know how Chase is going to react"

"Well, I think you'wre going to find out in a sec cause..."

Zuma pointed behind Marshall, the dalmatian froze but cocked his head back a bit. Walking up to them was the very police pup they were talking about.

Marshall's heart raced and everything in him was telling him to run but his paws just froze in place. Eyes fixed on the pup he cared so much for.

"Hey guys! How was the mission?"

"Sup dude?! All good. Saved the cap and his boat no prowblem!"

" prob! Any who! I'm kind of sick! Tired! I mean tired! I was going to head to bed" Marshall was quick to make up an excuse to leave but his paws just kept him in place.

"Actually Marshall, I wanted to talk to you for a little bit. If that's ok."

"Uh...Uhh...Uhh..." Marshall stammered.

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