Killer Queen vs Bomb Girl Part: 2

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3rd Person Pov:

20 minutes later:

*Car Open door Noise*

Aki: Get in both of you! 

Denji(Damaged): How did you?

Aki: Y/n called you two and managed to save your asses from a Russian Spy!

Denji(Damaged): What?

Power: Are you dumbass! Were moving and are you coming or not?

Deam: But this Blood Fiend is right master, let's move...

Himeno: And We'll discuss it later down the line since we don't want any civilians attract to our location.

Denji(Damaged): *Sigh* fine! 

Power: About that...

As she gives him a blood bag with enough to fill him and heal him up on the way...

Denji(Damaged): Thanks...

As they close the car door  which they still have time to move to a safe location which only they will use it to an advantage against the Bomb devil or the Soviet Russian Spy Reze.


Reze Pov:

What the hell happened for the last 20 minutes... It felt like an instantly impale my feet with a random spear from nowhere at the same time the car and Denji with his Shark Fiend leave instantly but who?

Luckily I able to have a couple of blood bags in order to heal myself along the way, but it's infuriating that I myself didn't got his heart, but who is the one who attacked me? It have to do something with the Public Safety but more likely but if they have the devil like that, that's possible...

Since it felt like my vision stopped but appeared like my perception...

Or maybe it be...

Time has been stopped but what devil or Fiend is able to save them or an individual...

But who knows? As I walking around the street finding on the traces on their blood prints on the ground.

Until a buzzing ringtone come from...


He should have intel have given me as I open the phone right away with the swipe of my finger...

Reze: Coronel! What is it?

Coronel (Phone Call): Listen your targets named Denji and his squad of Public Safety are able to Evac him from twenty minutes from now! What the hell did you do Reze! 

Reze: I'm sorry!

Coronel (Phone Call): Sorry Is not enough, now finish your loose ends and kill the Chainsaw man and his comrades immediately and fast as possible. After that we will provide you an exfil to this country and return to your Motherland safely if you finish your job right. I don't care how many people you've killed but just do your job! Is that clear Lieutenant! 

Reze: Clear, and I will make sure I will claim his heart soon as possible.

As I close my phone, I still have my doubts on my head wondering that why I feeling empathy to him... Is it Love or pity onto him, normally when I going for an assassination, I suppress my emotions since I don't like to kill anyone but I hope you forgive me Denji when I about to do this time...

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