CHAPTER TWENTY- "You Always Said How You Loved Parties." (TACO'S PERSPECTIVE)

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I excitedly walked along with Mic, my fear of Pickle being around any corner lingering still. We were going to a party, so I shouldn't be feeling like this. Nonetheless, a creeping fear still walked with me as I paced along.
I shook my head, desperately trying to clear my thoughts of the man that had traumatized me. But it was to no avail. He still stuck to me.
Mic glanced over at me, worry pricking her gaze. "Are you okay?" she asked, her grip on my hand tightening to comfort me. I nodded and looked away silently.
She watched me for a couple more moments before sighing and smiling at me. "He's gone. You know that."
I smiled at her and gripped her hand. "Yeah. It's just..." I looked away. "Hard, forgetting him."
She stopped and turned to me. "Of course, it'll be hard to forget him. Why wouldn't it be, he shot you and tried to kill you twice! I'm not saying forget him." She kneeled in front of me. "I'll never, ever say to forget him. I know you can't. But what I am saying is to forget the feeling. Forget how he made you feel, how scared he's making you."
Tears formed in my eyes. I put a hand up to cover my face. "Haha, get up..."
She smiled at me. "But why? You're so cute. I can't help looking at you." She put a hand on my face and kissed me. I sank into her comfort.
When she pulled away, she glanced at a digital clock on one of the tables outside of an apartment and gasped. "Oh god, we're late!"
She rose, grabbed my hand, and pulled me to Trophy's room.
When we got there, most of the hotel's residents were in the room. The room was nicely decorated, with a punch bowl on someone's nightstand. It wasn't fancy, but the people there were. They were very well dressed, and I breathed a sigh of relief when it was confirmed I didn't overdress as I'd thought. Then I realized everyone was staring at us.
To break the tension, I laughed and waved. "H-Hey, guys..." I said just loud enough for them all to hear. Lightbulb broke through the crowd, dressed in a sundress that flowed just below her knees. I stared in amazement— I'd never seen her dress like that.
"I'm so glad you guys came!" she said happily, hugging me and Mic. "I almost thought you wouldn't show."
I laughed softly. "We almost didn't."
Paper stepped by her, dismissing her eagerness. "We're glad you did."
After a moment, the chatter in the room began to rise again and we started talking to Paper and Lightbulb.
"So, what's this for, anyway?" I asked curiously.
"We noticed how down you guys always were. It wasn't us in danger. It was you. So we wanted to help out, y'know?" Paper sighed. "I hope it wasn't wrong of us to."
I shook my head. "Oh, not at all! It's nice to know... you all trust me again." I looked away. "Look, I'm really sorry for what I did back in season one. I just wanted the money. I shouldn't have betrayed you guys."
Paper's gaze was unreadable as he stared off into the distance. "...Yeah. I know you are."
There was no venom in his words, but they stung me still. I backed away and waved to him, faking a smile as a panic attack set in.
I looked all around the room, frantic to find Mic. Through my panic, I noticed OJ excuse himself from a conversation and step into the hallway, pulling out his phone as he did so. I watched the door curiously until he returned, his face cold and stricken. His gaze connected with mine. I could tell the news wasn't good, but how bad could it have been to shake him up like this?
He called for silence. The room went quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Mic walked up to me and stared at me in confusion. I helplessly shrugged my shoulders and she grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly.
"I got a call from the police department," OJ started shakily. "They have no idea how, but..." He trailed off. Paper walked up to him worriedly and took his hand. OJ smiled softly before letting his face fall and connecting his gaze with Mic and I.
"They don't know how, but Pickle escaped again."
I could feel the color draining from my face. Mic froze in shock as dead silence gripped the room like a hand on a pencil. I stepped back, letting go of Mic's hand and staring in cold shock.
My mind was going 1000 miles per hour. My thoughts raced by, one by one making me more and more anxious. I didn't realize I was crying until the feeling came back to my face and I felt the tears. I brought up a hand to cover my face.
I couldn't take it anymore. Everyone was looking at me, staring. It was all too much. I ran out of the apartment, with Mic calling my name behind me.
I got in the elevator and sat and waited for it to get to the first floor.
When it did, I walked out, wiping my eyes of the tears. I sighed and collapsed onto the couch. I thought I heard someone laughing, but I thought it was just my imagination.
I closed my eyes and last there for a minute until I heard actual laughing.
"Huh...?" I murmured, opening my eyes.
I froze. He... was staring right at me.
"You always said how you loved parties."

sorry, it took me so long to get these outtttt !! happy valentine's day idiots, im making art of the party maybeeeee !

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