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I blinked awake, instinctively glancing down at Taco. She snored quietly, smiling softly as she did so. I smiled and pulled her closer. She seemed to have had a good sleep, and relief comforted me. I kissed her head gently and set her down on the couch as an idea sparked. What if I made her something to make her feel a little better? I asked myself, smiling ingeniously. It was a perfect plan.
I snuck into the kitchen and got out a pan. "What would she want right now?" I wondered aloud, leaning on the counter to think. I looked at what we had on the counter— honey, flour, baking powder, sugar...
"What if I made biscuits? It's been a while since I've had one of those."
Smiling to myself, I got to work.
I hummed quietly as I laid out the needed ingredients and chuckled softly. Preparing the food wasn't difficult— in a way, it gave me comfort. Along with the biscuits I was making, I made gravy too. I worked silently, knowing that I was doing it for her. That was enough to keep me going.
We got a knock at our door about halfway into cooking the biscuit dough. I looked up in confusion and as quietly as possible made my way to the door.
I cracked the door open and looked out quizzically. There was nobody there.
I was about to close my door when I noticed a note on the floor and stopped. I picked it up and carefully closed the door, pausing to look at the message in confusion before opening it and reading.

"Hey, guys! You guys are probably feeling a little... bad, at the moment, but we have a surprise for you! Come to Trophy's room at 2:30, only if you want to! We've just worried about you, Lightbulb and Test Tube wanted to help you guys. It'd mean a lot if you came.
Lots of love, Paper."

I looked at the words, not comprehending what they meant before they clicked.
"A party," I murmured to myself. I crossed my arms and thought about it. "Is Taco... ready, for this?"
"Ready for what?" I heard someone say. I jolted and whipped my head around.
Taco was standing in the hallway that led to our door. I laughed and said, "You scared me."
"It's what I do. Anyways, what am I supposedly not ready for?"
I sighed and handed her the note. She skimmed through it, occasionally glancing up at me as she did so. After about a minute, she sighed and handed the letter back to me. "A party."
I nodded silently.
"Er, at least, that's what I'm guessing. Anyways, I don't know if I am ready for this. Uh..."
She looked down in uncertainty. I walked up to her and hugged her, whispering in her ear, "Take your time. We can wait."
We stood there for a bit, enjoying each other's presence when I smelled something burning and jolted.
Before Taco could speak, I sprinted out of the hallway and into the kitchen. Black smoke rose from the oven and I immediately turned it off, opening the range to meet even more billowing smoke emerging from where the biscuits were.
I turned off the stove and put my palm on my forehead. "Oh my god," I muttered, laughing to myself as I went to get oven mitts. Taco entered the room and stared at the mess, eyes wide and mouth gaping.
"Ehe, I left them in for too long..." I whispered, looking away guiltily.
Taco walked up to me and grabbed my hand, smiling softly. "It's still early." She checked her watch. "12:30. We still have time to make another batch."
I shrugged, still feeling a little embarrassed by my last failed attempt. "I made them for you, though..." I whispered. She rolled her eyes and looked away.
"Now we can make them together."
I smiled and nodded. "Sure. And I can look up recipes on Google if you want me to."
"Nah. It's all good. You did this before, right?" She stared at the burnt food that still wafted a terrible smell. "All you did was leave them in too long. That doesn't mean that the recipe was wrong."
I nodded and smiled. "Yeah."
Since I already had everything out, we didn't need to get anything from the cabinets and just got right to work.
I felt at peace. I wasn't stressed; cooking with my girlfriend was fun. I felt at ease with her.
When we were finally done, it was 1:28. Only 40 or so minutes until we had to be there.
"Do you want to? We don't have to if you're uncomfortable," I told Taco, looking at her in worry. She passed it off by shrugging and saying, "I need something normal to do."
I wanted to be at least a little well-dressed, so I dug around our closet and found a black-sleeved dress and leggings to go underneath. I smiled at the outfit and put it on.
A few minutes later, I was in the bathroom touching up my makeup when I heard a voice. "Rate this!"
I looked in the doorway and saw her. She was in a tuxedo with the black invisibow tied around her neck, looking like a groom at a wedding. I stared at her in a mix of entrancement and amazement, not even realizing I was silent until she laughed and said, "Told you to rate, not to stare!"
I snapped out of my trance and smiled at her. "You look... my word..."
She laughed and waved a little before walking off. I stared after her, my eyes filled with love.
Once I was done, I walked out to see Taco with dancing music on. I laughed, "What's this?"
She noticed me and jolted. "OH- I UH- I wanted to practice..." she murmured, looking at the floor in embarrassment.
I took her hand and looked at the clock. 1:55. I sighed in disappointment.
"I'd dance with you, but there's no time. We gotta go."
She smiled sadly. "Oh, alright, let's go."
Hand in hand, we made our way out of our apartment and to the party.
And I wish we hadn't.

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