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"Mic, come look at this!"
I looked over at Taco. We were busy raking leaves for community service because Taco wanted to help out around the newly-built hotel, but she'd stopped. I stared at her curiously before realizing she was in the position to jump in the leaves.
"Taco, wait!-"
Leaves were scattered everywhere as she dove into the huge pile we'd made. Her head poked out of it a couple of moments later, and leaves covered her, making her almost invisible. She exploded out of the heap, and in one swift motion, pulled me in with her.
She scampered out of the mound of leaves, scattering more. She was laughing, "I can't believe you let me do that!"
Despite being angry, I smiled. "Shut up, you ruined, like, half an hour's work time."
Realization seemed to hit her and she looked around, wide-eyed. "Oh."
I chuckled and stood beside her as we stared at the mess she'd made. "I wouldn't think you'd make such a mess, since you're so short," I smiled.
She looked up at me, clearly offended. "How dare you? I'm not as short as you'd think."
I looked at her doubtfully. "Really?"
"Well, look at Nickel, and uh... Box."
"Two people? Really?"
"Shut up." she smiled at me.
We sat in the leaves for a little while. Deciding to strike up a conversation, I said, "Remember when we first met? Like, not in the game?"
She looked up at me. "Love, you walked into a street sign."
I looked away in embarrassment. "Yeah. I did, didn't I?"
Silence followed. She was so beautiful. Her messy hair was covered in leaves. Her white tank top seemed to glow with her light tan skin, shining with the sun..
I didn't realize I was staring until I heard a small laugh. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
I looked away, embarrassed. It was about two months after that whole thing with Pickle. Despite resenting him, Taco and I visited in frequently. It's mostly Taco who talked to him while I just looked away in silent hatred.
"We should get cleaned up since we're going to the prison to visit soon," she said, standing up.
I nodded and went to stand up with her, but she stopped me. "Wait here."
I eyed her suspiciously. "Why?"
"I have a, uh.. a thing."
Skeptically, I nodded and slowly lowered myself back onto the leaves, watching her as she left.
I wonder what she had.
As my mind began to wander, so did my consciousness. My eyelids drooped and, eventually, I laid down and everything went dark.

I was in a black void. I could, faintly, hear Pickle's voice. I couldn't make out the words.
Not this nightmare again.
Suddenly, the faint voice turned into a scream. "Drop your weapons, or else I'll shoot her."
The sickening feeling I always had when I heard that returned. My stomach dropped and I yelled back, but I couldn't hear myself.
The void I was floating in suddenly turned into the cabin. That godforsaken cabin.
I could see Pickle, Taco, and Test Tube. I was shaking badly now.
"Get away from them! It's me you want!" I cried, trying to push Pickle. I fazed through him.
"No! No.." I screamed as I watched him hurt Taco again. Her leg broke, and that familiar snap filled the cabin.
Eventually, the illusion broke and my mind returned to the black void. Taco's face appeared. But it was all.. mangled, and bloody. I screwed my eyes shut and tried to block it out the best I could. Taco's screams echoed throughout the void and I couldn't block those out, no matter how hard I tried.
I saw the lake that Taco and I swam in months ago. The lake water, though, was replaced with thick, oozing blood.
"No, I hate this part.." I whispered darkly.
Taco was drowning. She was drowning in the blood and I couldn't help her— I've tried, believe me.
I cried as she screamed for help. It was like I was rooted to the ground. I couldn't run.
"Help! Microphone, please!" she shrieked, and I couldn't. I just looked on helplessly.
Just as she was overcome by the waves, it all stopped.

I jolted awake to see her face just inches away from mine, looking down in concern.
"Mic? Are you alright?"
I hadn't told her about the nightmares yet. I looked away, my eyes pleading to cry, before nodding.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

im so glad im writing about tacophone again !! if you're reading this and saying "wtf is going on" read the first book as there'll be references to that. i hope you enjoy this tacophone series, because ill be making at least 5 books !!.. i think.

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