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I breathed in and out, trying desperately to calm my nerves. Mic sat beside me, equally recalling that day in the cabin. I looked up at her. She was so beautiful, always there for my comfort, even at the shot of a gun. Thinking of everything she did for me almost made me cry harder. I breathed and nestled deeper into Mic's arms.
Salt walked out of the bedroom and stared at us for a moment before beginning to cry too. I got up and walked over to her. "You know... even if OJ is taken, there's still someone who loves you."
She looked up ruefully. "Who?"
I stared at her. "I thought it was obvious that it was Pepper."
She looked at me in shock. "P-Pepper? Really?"
I nodded. "She loves you more than OJ will."
Her miserable face set into a persistent one. "I have to go find her. I... I love her too."
I nodded. "I don't know if she'll want to see you, but.. be my guest."
She ran out of the room and I returned to Mic. "We should go to our apartment."
She smiled. "Yeah."
I helped her up and we went home.

*SALT'S PERSPECTIVE (yeah I'm devious like that.)*

I dashed to the elevator and pressed the first floor. I tapped my foot impatiently as the elevator brought me down.
When I got there, I looked around for Pepper. She was sitting on the couch, and I hesitantly walked up and sat by her in silence. She glanced at me and subconsciously moved her hand to where I'd shot her.
I took a deep breath and started to speak. "Pepper, I... I don't know what happened. I got angry. I'm sorry."
She glanced at me. "...I don't want to say it's okay, because it's not, but... I still love you, Salt."
I nodded. "And.. and how far does that love go?"
She jolted and turned to look at me, her face red. "Why?"
"I just wanted to know."
She sighed. "I don't know... like, no matter what you do, you're always so beautiful when you're doing it. No matter when lights hit your face, it does so perfectly. It's like a professional photographer took your picture."
I listened to her rant, a gentle sparkle in my eyes. Before I realized it, I put my hand on hers.
"Do you love me? Or are you in love with me?"
She started to speak but stopped. "I..."
I smiled. "Take your time."
We sat in comfortable silence for a little bit, the anxious vibes radiating off of her in waves. She stared at the floor while I stared at her.
When she spoke again, her voice was shaky and uncertain. "I... I'm in love with you, Salt."
For some reason, surprise washed over me. I sighed and leaned into her.
"I'm in love with you too."

*liked the one shot ? okay. time to go back to taco's perspective !!*

We sat on our couch, my shakey demeanor still slightly showing as I gripped the blanket that covered us. We'd finished the comedy and were just scrolling mindlessly through TikTok, enjoying each other's presence.
About an hour later, a soft knock shook Mic and I from sleep. I nodded as a signal that I'd check who it was, and Mic quickly continued to doze.
I quietly slid off the couch and stumbled to the door drowsily. I gently opened it and peered through the crack.
I opened the door fully and stared at him questioningly. "Uh... hey, man. Did you need anything?"
He looked serious. I shifted uneasily as he stared at me before he breathed in and spoke.
"Can I come in? I have... news."
I nodded, still feeling nervous as I stepped back. He stared at Mic and smiled for a moment before shaking her roughly.
She jolted up and put a hand on her heart. "OH MY GOD- KNIFE, YOU SCARED ME SO BAD."
She yelled and Knife just laughed at her as she stared at him angrily. Then, he sighed.
"I... have news. Bad news."
Mic instantly stared at him, intrigue sparkling in her eyes. "Yeah?"
He looked at the floor. "Pickle... he got out."

it's getting good guys

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