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everyone exited the aircraft calmly, impressed by the smooth flight.

no turbulence, no rain or storms, incredibly clear skies.

though the atmosphere was tranquil, i still had a short indigo-haired boy clinging onto me.

"why are you still scared? we're not even on the plane anymore." i groaned, dragging him along the airport.

we were way behind the others.

"i don't care. i need emotional support right now so shut up." he snapped, holding me tighter and tighter until i was struggling to breathe.

"okay okay! just hold my hand." i struggled, trying to wriggle out of his hug of death. but i couldn't. he had me trapped.

"no. you're my prisoner now." he cackled evilly. a devious look on his face.

"do you want me to die from suffocation?"

he immediately let go.

clearing his throat, he held onto my hand desperately, "no. what? i would never want that. what do you mean? stop making things up. you liar. how rude, lying is not a good thing, y/n. idiot. stupid. cutie. moron."

i burst out laughing. he still tries so hard to insult me, but at this point it just seems silly.

"what's so funny?"

"your outdated insults.•"

"Hey! HURRY UP!" someone yelled, we both turned and hu tao was waving at us and ushering us to come over quickly. "i miss you guys, come!"

another security check... and then, we're free to roam liyue.

"come, let's go!" i said, continuing to drag him along.

the sky was a mix of colours, just like in the sunrise this morning.

the timezones had mixed, and it was now sunset in liyue.

"why'd you two take so long to catch up earlier?" kazuha asked innocently, confusion in his eyes.

"he's correct. you were so slow. it doesn't take much to move quicker." xiao added.

"maybe because of this MUPPET holding me back by clinging onto me." i spit out. he still was now, in fact.

"fuck you." he muttered.

"would you? time? location?"

he stared at me blankly. then, realised what i meant. "ha, i didn't know you were that kind of p-"

"please speed up." signora pleaded, "y/n, i love you, but move your legs quicker."

we were now at the pick up point, waiting for the bus to come and pick us up to take us to the hotel.

everyone was exhausted.

literally. everyone was about to fall asleep.

i remember what childe told me when he booked the hotel rooms.

our rooms were next to each other, and mine was shared with scara.

he told me his plan was to try and set us up by putting us in the same room, but he didn't know we were together already.

thank god he didn't only get a room with one bed. i would've seriously killed him.

the amount of times i've seen that situation in romance books i've read in insane.

"are you tired?" a voice asked. turns out it was xiao, who seemed to be as awake as ever. "i'm not."

"how on teyvat are you not tired right now? are you super human?"

"i don't sleep much. it's become normal for me."

"number one, get help. number two, sleep."

"get help? for what?"

"i don't know what kind of world you're living in xiao, but that ain't normal."

"oh. i see. i'll try to get some sleep tonight."

"try? hello?? it doesn't take much to just... drift off. especially when you haven't gotten enough sleep."

"i doubt it. anyways, i have to share a room with the annoying girl and zhongli."

"annoying girl?"

he pointed at hu tao, and i gasped in offence.

"no! she is not annoying. do not insult my love like that."

scaramouche tugged at my clothes and i turned to him, "the bus is here. it's gonna be a long ride, so if you want you can sleep on my shoulder like you already have 3 times today."

"three times? no chance. are you not tired of it?"

"no. of course not. it's you, why would i be? i'm never tired of you?"


sorry for the short chapter. it's almost 1am and i need sleep, but i haven't published anything in a while so here u go.

tysm for 20k reads!! 🫶🫶

things will get better from here i promise stay tuned my loves 😈😈🦶😈😈😈

i like you, moron ✦ scaramouche x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now