Chapter V - Year I - A Raven's Secret

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Quinn and Lyra had discovered the kitchens one day when they were going for a walk through the school and Quinn tripped over her shoelaces and bumped into Lyra. Lyra stumbled forwards and brushed her fingers against a pear on a painting of a fruit bowl. The pear giggled and the painting swung open like a door, revealing a room almost as big as the great hall, countless brass pans and pots mounted on the wall, and a huge brick fireplace on one end. Hundreds of house elves rushed about. One walked up to them.

"Are the Miss' wanting anything? I am Dinky." 

"Hello Dinky, you can just call me Lyra." Dinky beamed. "And, yes, if you've got anything, please."

Quinn looked at her in confusion, and Lyra explained, "They're House Elves. They love working, we have a few back at the manor."

"I keep forgetting that you're rich." The red-head said jokingly, " And I know what a House Elf is." She told her what had happened with Dobby.

"Dobby? Dobby's our House Elf! What was he doing trying to stop you and your brother from going to Hogwarts for?" Quinn flinched when Lyra said 'brother'. Her face immediately softened. "Sorry. Is the situation with scarface getting any better?"

Quinn snorted, but then her expression was back to melancholy. "No. He's still refusing to speak to me."

"For my brother, Hogwarts is like a safe haven. I still can't believe that he abandoned me just because I was sorted into Slytherin. He's known me all my life, yet he suddenly thinks I'm bad just because of my house. Boys are idiots." she said. 

Lyra wanted to comfort her, but she knew how Quinn reacted to physical touch, and she herself wasn't to fond of it either. So, instead, she reached out and wrapped her pinky around hers, like a miniature hand.

"Are we doing a pinky-promise now?"

"What's a pinky-promise?"

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Quinn stood infront of the door to the second year transfiguration classroom. 

She had taken the test. McGonagall had taken her aside and told her to go to Professor Dumbledore's office, this time the password being 'pear drops'. 

She had absolutely no idea what score she'd gotten, but she must've been above her age group, because she had been given a new timetable and second year books. It was her first day all over again, but she had second year transfiguration with second year Gryffindors. And her brother.

So, Quinn was stood infront of the door to the second year transfiguration classroom, and she was five minutes late. As soon as she opened the door, she would probably dying of embarrassment.

Her shirt was suddenly too tight, she was too aware of how her shoes confined her feet, the lights seemed impossibly bright, and she was imagining all the different ways she could completely embarrass herself infront of second year Gryffindors and Slytherins.

And her brother.

Merlin, why couldn't he just talk to her? He'd known her all her life, surely he wouldn't so easily think that she was evil? 

It was all just so confusing, and she hated it.

But it was now, and Quinn was stood infront of the door to the second year transfiguration classroom, and she was five minutes late. She would probably be ten minutes late by the time she had figured out the meaning of life.

She opened the door.

Thirty second year faces turned to face her.

Her face was now the colour of her hair.

One student turned away as soon as they realised who she was.


One scowled at her like she was a literal piece of dog shit he had stepped in.


One looked sorry for her, but also confused.


But everyone looked at her, waiting for her to tell McGonagall a message, or for McGonagall to tell her that she was in the wrong classroom. 

Spoiler,  she didn't.

"Ah, Miss Potter. You're-" Professor McGonagall checked the clock, "-five minutes late, but we'll excuse it for today. Do sit down."

Quinn blushed even more furiously and sat down at an empty table in the back. The lesson continued, but people continued to stare at her. 

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By the end of the week, everyone knew that "Harry Potter's Slytherin sister" had moved up a year. 

"Did you hear about what my brother said to Granger?" The two friends were in the library, finishing off their Charms homework.


Everyone glared at them, and Miss Pince threatened to kick them out. They apologised to the librarian and continued in hushed voices.

"Well, apparently the Slytherins got special permission from Snape to practice, and the Gryffindors weren't to happy about that, I don't really know exactly what happened, but he called her a mudblood!" 

"No!" Quinn said disbelievingly.

"He did! And Weasley–" "Which one?" "–Ronald–he cast a slug charm on him–" "Serves him right!" "–but it backfired, and apparently he's been vomiting up slugs for hours!" "Merlin, I don't know whether to cheer or to feel sorry for him."

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After fifty years of waiting, Florian might finally be able to talk again. 

It had been fifty years since the last candidate for the prophecy had created a horcrux. 

Florian had tried to tell him; that by splitting his soul, he was not truly living, so he would lose Florian as a mentor, that Florian could possibly die if somewhere in the future, there wasn't another candidate for the prophecy.

Fifty years of having the voice of a raven. 

This particular candidate seemed to be very clever, already figuring out his name. It would be easy to get her to read out a spell that would release his voice.

You might think that for a being that had existed since the beginning of time, fifty years would be basically nothing, but you try not speaking for fifty years.

He'd thought that it was terrible when he'd been caught by those pet shop owners, but when he saw the mark on the neck of the girl who had bought him, he'd realised that it all payed off.

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1,308 words words

I Do Not own Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, Trials of Apollo or any characters in these book series. I only own the characters I created and the plot of this fanfic.

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