Prologue - Part II - She talks to a snake. No, she actually does.

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TW: Child Abuse, Mentions of Suicide

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"Up! Get up! Now!"

Quinn Lily Potter woke with a start. Some had alarm clocks, some had- well, she doesn't really know another way people got up, but Quinn had Petunia Dursley, her aunt, rapping on the door to the cupboard under the stairs. If you're wondering why she's rapping on the door to the cupboard under the stairs, and instead of, oh, I don't know, a bedroom, it's because that's where Quinn and her older brother(by one year), Harry, slept.

She quickly shook Harry awake and got dressed. Quinn had learnt first hand that the best way to survive at the Dursley's was to do what your told and do it quickly.

"Are you ready yet?" Aunt Petunia said as she rapped on the door again.

"Almost!" Harry called out as Quinn pulled on her other sock.

"Well, get a move on! I want you two to fry the bacon and eggs. And don't even think about letting them burn! Everything is going to be perfect on Dudder's birthday." Quinn exchanged a look with Harry, and they both rolled their eyes. They had forgotten it was Dudley's birthday. Quinn ran her fingers through her messy red locks, doing the best she could to get all the knots out.

"You do bacon, I'll do eggs?" Harry asked his sister, who nodded in response. They opened the cupboard and went over to the stove, where the eggs, bacon and butter had already been placed. Quinn put two frying pans on and turned on the gas, taking out the butter and dropping a slice of butter into each pan. Harry came up beside her and they worked quite peacefully together in silence. Harry helping Quinn with food only really happened at breakfast, the Dursleys usually made her brother do work outside while she did indoor housework, like cleaning and cooking. They were just sexist biggots like that.

When the bacon and eggs were done the siblings walked into the dining room holding the pans and they rolled their eyes once again when they saw the amount of presents Dudley had gotten. When it was one of their birthdays, they would be lucky to get a pair of hole-filled socks.

Quinn's birthday was even worse than Harry's, and she knew why. Her birthday was the 31st of October, the worst day of her life, because it was the anniversary of when her parents had killed themselves.

She only knew this information because one year she decided to brave up and ask her Aunt why she always acted so weirdly on this day, and Quinn had ran back to their cupboard in tears, not because of the sharp blow Aunt Petunia had sent her way, but because of the answer.

"They killed themselves to get away from you two freaks, now leave me and get back to cleaning, you revolting child!"

That moment left a deep emotional scar in a young developing Quinn's mind.

But today it was Dudley's birthday and the amount of presents he had gotten almost entirely covered the table. It looked as though Dudley had gotten the new computer he wanted, not to mention the second television and the racing bike. Why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery, as he hated exercise - unless of course it involved punching somebody.

Quinn had the absolute pleasure of being Dudley's favorite punching bag. The Potter siblings had both always been small and skinny for their ages, it's what comes with living in a cupboard and only eating leftovers your entire life. They looked even skinnier than they really were, because all they had to wear were old clothes of Dudley's, and Dudley was about four times bigger than we are. The only thing Quinn really liked about her appearance was the feather-shaped birthmark on the right side of her neck. The Dursleys called it 'freakish' and made her cover it up with her hair. This just made her love it even more.

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