Suddenly his brain receives a huge stream of pain. It felt like his brain in splitting, blending, and then putting back together. This continued for 1 minute but the pain felt like an eternity to him.

*Breathing Hard* " What the fuck was that." Groaned Dev after getting released from the pain.

A blue screen appeared in front of Dev.

On the screen are main functions like general information, summon, and system store. There was also some kind of voice AI that explained the function.

"Hello, i am your assistance for the system you recieved from the god. I shall explain to you the details regarding the system." Said the system assistant herself, guessed from her feminine voice.

"The general information screen shows the stats and including the name, name of the yet-to-build Nation, and Purchase points (PP). It also have a description to get familiar with the system.

The Purchase Points or known as PP are the currency used in the system. You can increase your PP by the satisfaction level of creatures towards you and your kingdom, and another method is popularity. The popularity method is recommended as the more people know about you or your kingdom, the more points you will get.

The satisfaction points are bonus points you will get based on the satisfaction of your citizens and those you have positive or neutral relationship with. These two factors determines the generation rate of PP

On your summon tab, you can summon characters, infrastructure, vehicles, weapons, your kingdom too. The character you will summon will be in their prime form with their own abilities but their power/strength level will be adjusted to the level of power of this world. Although not all characters can be summoned. Some characters are available to purchase, some are not.

System store lets you purchase abilities, items, blueprint, knowledge, and others things.

The Island you are on is currently in New World and It's completely hidden from outside world using a god seal which only you can remove it. Although this island can still be accessed from outside. The Island magnetic field is altered in such a way that only system brought special eternal log pose and your own created navigation system can direct to this island. Normal compass, log pose and eternal log pose of this world will never work on this island."

After digesting loads of information at once, Dev asked few doubts he had to the system.

"for the summon characters, will they have all their memories of their past, experiences and skills." Asked Dev for better understanding.

"They would retain all their past, memories and experience. Although for the skills that they had made it their own and not borrowed from others will be present. Borrowed skills will be nullified." Replied system in her monotonous voice.

"what about the summons who are villians, won't they harm me?" Inquired Dev, concerning about his own safety and the world.

"All your character summons are absolute and eternal loyal to you. They won't betray you and won't harm you for their gain. They pledge their allegiance to you" explained the system.

"okayyyy, will they know about you and this world? Would they be able to learn this world powers like six powers (Rokushiki), haki and get devil fruit powers?" Hoping this new abilities will help him and his allies.

"only summons you give permission to would know about the existence of your system but only you can access it.  All would be given general information about this world. They can learn this world abilities like six powers and haki as well and also get abilities of devil fruit. You and your summon will also be affected by side effects of devil fruit if chosen to eat it. Your summon can also share their inherit abilitis like chakra, mana, breathing forms, ki etc."

" Also all characters summoned body constitution will be affected to match this world so their body can be strong as the one piece world inhabitants. Although if their body is on par or more stronger, then they won't be affected. You and you summoned characters will have fixed age of 22 and wont age. Although can still be killed."

" cool, let check some more stuffs out." Dev said excitedly, can't wait to learn more about this system.

After hour of checking system and more questionings. Dev recieved notification in the system.

"Open the notification" said Dev.

The notification panel opens up and he sees beginner package and a button to claim it.

"You have recieved the beginner package. Please tap or think about claiming it and it will be done" explained the system the ability to control system with the mind, without actually have to speaking or
Touching the screen.

*Thinks about claiming the package*

The package disappears along with the notification. Dev, as a gamer in his old world guessed that package would be in his inventory.

Dev opens the inventory using his mind and viola!! There she is.

He opens the package and receive several gifts.


1. Nation summon: ability to summon your nation which can be based on your old world countries with their technologies advancement. You will be able to customise your nation before summoning it. All the individuals summoned using this will count in nation summon, not in character summon. They will age and die naturally. Although you can select only one individual from this to give them perk of character summon. That is they will stop ageing.

2. Character summon: you can choose any one character you would like to summon from the available list in the system for free.

"Okay, lets summon my country. Or should i say kingdom as this is the trend here in this world. Anyway let's summon it." Dev thought about it a little and then used his first gift - Nation Summon.

Suddenly the sky turned dark, the wind stopped. The tree's leaf stood still. The grass stopped swaying. Dev noticed this change in surrounding and the complete silence. As the world itself has stopped. Dev decided to ask system about it.

"What happened to my surroundings as soon i used my gift. Is it a side effect or something is going wrong?" Dev inquired system while keeping his eyes on surrounding with his gaurd up.

"I assure you nothing went wrong. The time has stopped so you can customise your nation before summoning it. You won't be tired or feel hungry for the duration. Time will return to flow normally as soon as you are done." Replied system in the same monotonous voice.

Dev didn't replied and dropped his gaurd. He went into thinking mode. He started to make his nation blueprint as to say. It took him a long time, over a decade if the time was flowing normally.

"Alright i am done, lets do it". Dev was finally ready to summon his nation, which he named as -

One Piece: Modern Kingdom SummonerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ