chapter 31

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Chapter 31

No pov
It was now early morning and the two teen boys were back to sitting on the couch that was in the living room. Robin had put a show on but he was the only one who seemed to be interested in it.

The brunette was still drowning in the feelings, the whole reason is that he had realised something. He realised he had been missing for several months and everyone thought he's dead.

And he deeply missed his family, well mostly his sister. They had always been there for each other and seeing those posters just made him remember the situation he was in.

He did love Robin very much but he's been lying to himself about this being okay. This was so wrong he should be dead, maybe he would be better off gone.

So he doesn't have to deal with his emotions and wouldn't have to worry about anything. As Finney broke out of his thoughts he could feel the salty tears running down his face.

Finney's pov
I don't know why I started crying. I just did, as I let out a shaky sob my boyfriend instantly put his attention on me and paused the show.

"Oh my, Finn what's wrong?" He asked, his voice sounding worried and concerned as pulled me closer.

"Come here, it's okay" he put me onto his lap and adjusted himself a bit for us to both be a bit comfortable.

I didn't try and get off or move, I just let him hold me there as I let my cries fill the room. He looked at me with sympathy as he moved my hair off my face.

I put my head on his shoulder and just let out all the emotions I've been holding back the past two days. They had been bottled up so long it felt good to let it go.

My tears soaked through his sweatshirt as he rubbed my back whispering sweet things in my ear, coaxing me and trying to understand why I was upset.

As one of his hands played with my unbrushed hair a bit as he finally asked me another question, I didn't want to tell him. He couldn't fix it, he can't fix any of this.

"What's wrong, please tell me. I want to make it better…" he said as I pulled my red and wet face off his newly soaked shirt  collar him, i looked down at him.

I didn't respond, I couldn't muster up anything to say. He looked over my face reaching up to wipe away the water still seeping out of my eyes. I watched as his eyes looked deep in thought.

His hand lingered on my cheek as he slowly pulled me in, connecting our lips in a soft kiss. When he pulled away he asked the same question again.

But I didn't reply, so he pulled me into another kiss, this one was a little bit shorter but still nice and pleasant.

"Please talk to me" no reply, another kiss.

I put my hands on his shoulders a bit and he gently held my waist. He kept kissing me and repeating similar questions, and if I didn't say anything he just pressed his lips against mine again.

It was a pattern, kiss, question then breath. Kiss, question then breath. It repeated a bunch of times but still no reply from me.

I was out of breath but he kept kissing me. Every time he'd pull away I try to get as much air in my lungs as possible before he pulled me back. But he was going too fast for me to catch my breath.

Only less than a minute passed and I couldn't breath now and he wouldn't pull away. I hit his shoulders a bit, whining into the kiss. He pulled away also panting.

He looked into my eyes and I finally answered his long awaited question.

"I miss her…" I panted out pulling away so he couldn't kiss me again, yet.

He pulled me closer resting his hands behind me, just above my lower back.  "Miss who?" He asked.

"My sister….I miss her, I miss everything!." I choked out another sob, starting to cry all over again, it felt like a never ending cycle of gross feelings.

"No, don't cry, you're gonna give yourself a headache" he explained, groaning a bit, trying to calm me down once again.

We stayed like that for a little while, I was still crying and now had a painful headache because of all the sobbing. He was now cradling me in his arms telling me that it's okay.

I heard the clanging of keys in the door as the front door opened and my boyfriend's dad walked in. "I'm home-!" He sounded in a good mood then noticed me on the couch.

My arms were wrapped around my own body as Robin's arm was under my back and the other on my hip was holding close to his warm body.

As I cuddled closer to my partner as his father came a bit closer to see what was happening. He didn't seem to be bothered by it so he just went to a different room.

As I laid there in Robin's arms I ended up falling asleep from exhaustion. I hoped when I woke up I would feel better and I could forget about my silly breakdown.

Robins pov
I carried my lover to my bed, tucking him and planting a kiss on his forehead. I strolled out of my room and straight to where my dad was, his room.



I had another big question for him, last time I asked one it went really well. But that was over a month ago so would my dad still have his positive mood.

I took a small breath and held one of my arms.
"Could Finn see his sister, please?" I asked and he turned to face me.

The room was silent and my anxiety lingering and my question hung in the air.  But my dad simply answered my question with


My heart dropped a bit, I was hoping that he would have said the opposite. I put my head down a bit, my other question wasn't the best idea but it was the best I could think of.

"Could you…. could you kidnap her then? Just so they-" he cut me off by taking a deep sigh.

"No Robin, and I won't say it again. He will not be leaving this property and his sister will not be contacted.".

"But-" he cut me off again

" This isn't some fun sleepover or something and you know that damn well."  He said sternly.

I nodded and walked away with small tears in my eyes. But I wiped them away and crawled into bed with my adorable lover. He had a small smile on his lips.

I hugged him close, feeling his heartbeat against my chest, at least he was smiling again. He really needed that cry I guess, as long as I have my happy Finn back in the morning.

(1,191 words)

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