Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

No pov
Finn has been kidnapped for about three months now, and for the past weeks he's been allowed to go upstairs when the kidnaper is present.

And Finney has seemed to be way more comfortable now, the grabber hasn't done anything to him. He hasn't even gotten the chance with his son always being there.

Robins pov
Me and my boyfriend were hanging out in the living room, we were trying to solve those really hard puzzles. It was his idea, I've learned Finn is a pretty calm person when he's not scared or over excited.

A little while passed and we were stuck, so many pieces wouldn't fit or didn't look like they matched.

As we worked on it my dad was getting some stuff together it looked like he was about to leave. Finn had only been up here less than an hour so I didn't want him going back down yet.

"Hey Robin can you come here please?" My dad called, I left the room leaving Finn there.

"Yeah?" I approached him

"I'm leaving in a minute, and I'll be back soon. " I was about to ask him if my boyfriend could stay upstairs but he cut me off.

"And before you ask, yes he can stay upstairs. The front and back door stay shut, and you do not leave the house." He explained

I nodded. "If I find out he left, there will be hell to pay." He said then went over to Finn

He ruffled my partner's hair and told him to behave while he was gone. I hated it when he touched Finn in any way or even just got close to him.

But he nodded and didn't really pay attention to my dad, he was really focused on that puzzle. My dad gave Finney one last glance before walking out the door and locking it.

Once I saw the van move out of the driveway I rushed over to my boyfriend.

"C'mon we're home alone, what do you want to do!?" I tried to pull him away from the puzzle but he pulled himself back.

"Noo.." he whined.

I sighed and sat down ''c'mon my dad left we could do anything!" I exclaimed

He nodded and completely ignored my words, I got an idea. I grabbed a pillow and smacked him with it. He looked at me with fire in his eyes, as I laughed I could see he was done with the puzzle.

He grabbed the other pillow and hit me back, I stood up and we started hitting each other constantly with the soft cushions.

Soon enough we were running around the house yelling and dodging the other, we came close to knocking plenty of stuff over. This went on for a few minutes of us laughing and giggling as we chased each other.

We ran into the living room and Finn tripped backwards on the tv cord. He fell and hit the ground and then the tv fell off the stand and landed on the floor.

That's when my dad walked in, he stood there for a moment looking over the situation. Finn scrambled up and got close to me. My heart skipped a beat, why would he come home now.

My dad came over to us and lifted the tv and took a sigh of relief, it was fine. He put it back up and put the pillows back as me and Finn stood there.

Then he turned his attention to us "what the fuck happened, I left for 10 minutes and I come back to this!?" He snapped, he raised his voice.

Finn backed up into me and put my hands around him a bit. This was my fault, he wanted to just sit and do a puzzle and I'm the one who started the play fight. And now Finn was at the verge of tears and his heart and breath were racing.

"We were playing and he tripped on the cord…" I explained, my dad took a deep breath and then said.

"Finney downstairs now, and Robin to your room." He practically grabbed my boyfriend's wrist and dragged him downstairs.

I watched Finn's face, he kept his head down. He looked scared. I went to my room and listened closely trying to make sure he wasn't getting hurt.

Then a moment later my dad walked into my room, he looked at me for a second. I quickly stood up "it wasn't his fault I promise -" he cut me off.

"It was an accident, it's fine. But Finney's staying downstairs the rest of the day." He explained and I nodded.

The rest of the day I wanted to go downstairs but my dad wouldn't let me. He told me he was fine, which I knew he was but still.

The day passed I brought him down for dinner, he was calming laying on the floor drawing again. He looked up at me and smiled, I put the food down.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded.

My dad called me back up and so I went. It's weird my dad has been really nice and actually acting like a decent person lately.

The next day Finn was allowed back upstairs and we just finished working on the puzzle together. My dad stayed closer to make sure we didn't do anything stupid again.

We ended up finishing the puzzle that day and Finn insisted we do another one. I was about to say no but I remember how I scared him yesterday, so I said yes.

(935 words)

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