Chapter one

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Finn's pov
I walked beside Gwen as we made our way home like we did everyday. For some reason she brought up the grabber, again. I didn't want to hear about any of it, I never wanted to hear about it. It really scared me, I don't know how she talks about it so calmly.

We walked for a little longer till I dropped her off at her friend's house. I waved to her as I continued walking alone and I was almost home when a van pulled up behind me.

It was black and looked sketchy, it stopped near me and a man got out with his hands full. He tripped on the curb and stuff went everywhere. I felt a little bad so I tried to help.

I picked up a few things to help him out, and passed him his hat. I'm not a judgy person but he looked a little creepy so I tried to keep my distance.

"Thank you, I'm a part time magician. Would you like to see a magic trick?" He asked.

I stepped a little closer nodding my head, he pulled out a can and started shaking it. Then he pulled out some black balloons, I just watched closely.

That's when he grabbed me, strangling me in his arms. I screamed and he sprayed something in my mouth. I felt sick and like I couldn't stand, all I know is the last thing I saw before I blacked out was him shutting the door.

Time skip to morning

I woke up in a new and unfamiliar place, I sat up a bit looking around the dark room. I heard something behind me, my head whipped around to see the man who took me.

I jumped back terrified and shocked.

He had a weird and creepy mask on, my heart raced with fear. He must have gotten some of whatever he sprayed in my eyes, because I could barely see. He got up and started talking but I don't think I could hear most of it.

He said something along the lines of "I know you're scared" but the rest was a blur.

He did ask a few questions about my eyes. I just told him they hurt, cause they do. They feel like someone put gasoline in them and then fire in them.

I could hear the man getting closer to me and then I felt my small bangs being moved out of my face. Then leaving the room after a minute of just looking at me, I already hated the feeling of his eyes on me.

My vision came back after maybe a little over an hour, it's hard to tell time from a grimy basement.
But I did my best, I've always been pretty good at telling what time it is.

But soon enough the weird man brought me food. "What's in it?" I was hesitant to accept food from a person who grabbed me off the street. Who knows what he did to it.

"Salt and pepper" he chuckled a bit.

After the masked man put the tray of food on the floor and left. I went over to it to see some decent looking eggs and a soda.

I ate most of it, happy that I'm not dying because of it yet. Or starving. I made my way through the creepy scenery, looking at the walls and the ceiling.

I finished looking around the unsettling room and sat back down on the mattress. I layed there trying to think what I'm gonna do, or what's gonna happen.

I ended up falling asleep again, I hoped when I woke up I'd be back at home and that this is all a bad dream.

But sadly I woke up and I was the same as before. I sat up and noticed the food tray was gone, I looked around and he wasn't there either.

Which was some relief, but not much. I tried to enjoy my time being alone, not wanting to think about what will happen when he comes back. But something broke my thoughts, it sounded like it was coming from upstairs.

It sounded like talking or more like yelling, I couldn't understand most of it. It was also very faint so I assumed the walls were thick, the noise went away after about 20 minutes.

Trying to hear more I stood up but the speaking never returned. I was waiting for what felt like hours and then I heard the door again, the man was holding another tray of food.

This time the kidnapper stayed in the room, I only ate some of it. I hate it when people watch me eat and this was so much worse, I wanted to throw up because of how gross I felt.

I sat back on the bed leaning against the wall, farther away from the other "What are you gonna do to me...?" I asked. I was so scared about what he would say.

"Nothing you wouldn't want, Or dont deserve" he said, picking up the tray and making his way to the door, that's when a loud thump came from upstairs. The grabber took a deep breath, resting against the door for a second.

"I told that kid to be quiet. " He said under his breath.

"Is there someone else here?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it."

"If I scream they'll hear me." I said gaining some sort of hope.

He laughed a bit. "Go for it, no one's coming to help you." Then he walked out without another word.

Leaving me with my thoughts again, it thought about what he said. In concussion I figured out, someone IS upstairs and I still have no clue what to do.

I thought of screaming but I was too tired and who knows it could make everything worse. So I just stayed quiet and laid down.

(988 words)

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