chapter 9

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Chapter 9

No pov
The grabber was walking around outside the basement to make sure everything was still sealed. He just about went inside but then noticed the grate, it wasn't in bad condition.

It was in too good of condition, the screws were re-added and tightened and there were even extra bolts so it wouldn't ever come off. He knew he didn't do it so it had to have been his son.

He made his way inside and saw Robin watching tv, he took the remote and paused it.

"What happened to the vent cover outside?" He asked. Robin's facial expression stayed the same, he has always been good at hiding his feelings.

"I reinforced it, it was coming loose."

He stared at me for a second, then asked.

"What if I asked Finney, would he say something else?"

Robins pov
I froze before I couldn't think of a lie, he grabbed his mask and went downstairs. I quickly followed behind hoping Finn would just lie.

When we entered the room Finn was still asleep he was curled up in the blanket and my hoodie, my dad whipped around. "So you also came down here last night!?" He snapped.

I nodded "he was gonna fr-!" He cut me off.

"And I've told you so many times that it's none of your concern!"

I could see Finn waking up, he sat up and looked scared. I mean my dad was scolding me right in front of him. My dad noticed I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying anymore.

He turned and looked at Finn "oh great now I have to deal with you too!" Finn flinched back from the loud noises bouncing off the walls.

"Stop yelling at him!" I yelled at my dad, bad move.

"You know what, since you wanna be down here so bad, you can stay down here!" He slammed the door and locked it. I didn't have my keys.

I rolled my eyes and stormed over to the wall closest to Finn, pulling my knees up to my body. Finn got off the mat and sat next to me resting his head on my shoulder.

"You ok?" He asked.

I laughed at how sweet he was, he didn't deserve any of this to happen to him. And even after he he gets hurt he still cares if I'm ok..

"I'm fine, are you ok" I turned my head to face him. He nodded.

We sat there in silence for a while till I leaned my head on top of his. "Finn?"


"I'm sorry" I said, feeling tears rise in my eyes.

"For what?" He sat up straight.

I looked around gesturing towards the basement he was locked in. "All of this.."

"It's not your fault though." He reassured

He pulled me into a hug and I just froze, it was warm and my heart fluttered. I slowly wrapped my arms around him too.

We stayed hugging for a while and we only broke once I fell asleep. I think he tried to move me to the mattress cause I woke up to being dropped onto the ground.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry-" I just pulled him down and hugged him again."it's fine" I groaned. I managed to pull the blanket over us again.

"Robin?" He whispered.

"Yes Finn?"

"Why are you so nice to me?" He asked his face snuggled into my neck. I was definitely blushing.
I was also half asleep so I didn't really think before I spoke.

"Because I like you,- I MEAN not in that way unlesslikeyoudoidontknowifyouevenlikebo-!!" I freaked out, I didn't mean for it to sound like a confession, He cut me off.

He kissed my cheek and I felt like the air was sucked out of my lungs. He then snuggled back into my neck. And my face felt inflamed.

"It's okay." He said in a hushed voice as he fell back to sleep.

I just laid there bright red but also happy, he kissed my cheek! That means he might like me back! Probably shouldn't get me hopes up though.

The next morning I woke up and my dad was staring at us, or maybe just Finn. We we're now on the mattress and I didn't recall either getting on it so he must have moved us.

I was half awake and my eyes were barely open but I hated the way Finn was being stared at. So I pulled him closer, covering his whole body expect his head with the blanket.

I just wanted to cuddle with Finn, nothing else in the world, just cuddle. My dad had the top half of his mask off, he rarely does that, I mean I know what he looks like but Finn doesn't.

I rolled me and Finn over so all my dad could see was my blanket covered back. I held Finn in a very protective way.

"Robin, why'd you-" he groaned.

"Shush go back to sleep" I hushed.

He did. After a few minutes my dad got up and opened the door, he left it open and walked out. I assumed that meant I could come upstairs but I just wanted to stay with Finn.

Once Finn woke up again he noticed the door wide open he sat up quickly but I pulled him back down. "Don't even think about it." I warned.

He laid back down facing me this time. He paused for a moment. "You have really pretty eyes." He complimented. I smiled "you have a cute face" I started.

He turned red and looked away, I giggled at how he got flustered so quickly. "Well you have a cute smile" he snapped back like it was supposed to be an insult.

"Thank you. You have a cute laugh" I went on.

"You have a good style " he defended

"You have nice hair"

"You have a nice voice " we went back and forth.

"You have pretty lips." I said.

He froze and leaned into me, I jumped back a bit but then melted into it. My heart was racing I couldn't believe that Finn was kissing me, it must be a dream.

But when he accidentally bit my lip I knew I wasn't. We pulled away breathing heavy and staring at each other.

"Robin get up here!" My dad yelled from the top of the stairs. I knew he couldn't see what me and Finn did so I just smiled and got up.

I winked at Finn before walking out and shutting the door.

(1095 words)

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