Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

No pov

That night Finney didn't do anything wrong so that meant he would be allowed outside, he just didn't know it yet.

Once he woke up he didn't even feel like getting out of bed, but he did because he needed to do something. Surprisingly His boyfriend wasn't in there, he was in the kitchen sitting at the table with his dad.

Finney made his way over to the couch plopping himself where he had been the previous day. He saw his reflection in the glass. His hair had grown out a bunch, it was almost past his shoulders. It still looked cute and messy though.

Robin went over to his boyfriend, he put his arm around the quiet one. Resting his hand on the other covered waist.

"Hey come eat something, then we'll go outside" the others' eyes lit up at what was said.

But then slowly faded back down, Robin thought Finn would be ecstatic about this. Then the not-so-short haired boy got up and sat down at the table.

Robin sat right next to him making sure the other ate and was comfortable. After breakfast Finn was told to have a shower, which he did.

But he really just stood there, the water slowly turning cold as it ran over his naked body. His arms went around his own body, he has gotten way skinner in the past few months.

Once someone knocked on the door saying he's been in there long enough he turned off the water and stepped out. He wrapped himself in a towel and walked out to Robins room.

The bathroom and Robins room were right next to each other so he didn't have to walk very far.

Robin knocked on his bedroom door as his boyfriend was in there changing. He opened it to see the other pulling a shirt over their head. 

He shut the door and went over to the other, as Finn turned around the mexican grabbed his boyfriends waist pulling him close. "Just don't do anything stupid, okay love?" He said

Finney's pov

I nodded and melted into his touch as he rested his chin on my shoulder. He pulled my shirt down the rest of the way and kissed my cheek. 

He walked with me out of his room, for some reason I wasn't over excited about it. I don't know why I should be but I just felt tired. I haven't been out of the house in months and I just wanted to see my sister.

Robin's dad was already in the backyard, a drink in his hand as he sat on the porch. The fences were really tall, like no one could see over them.

The neighbours' houses were also short so no one could see me. It wasn't a super bright day but it wasn't dark either, more in the middle.

I walked out a bit and just sat there, then laid down. I didn't feel like running or playing in any way so I just laid there.

My boyfriend came over a few times asking if I wanted to play or do something. But each time I just glanced at him and then put my eyes back on the sky.

I really did like it outside, the fresh air. It made me feel less trapped, even though I still was. I looked back to see my partner talking with his dad, I didn't care.

I sat up and just picked at the grass, a few minutes past and I was getting cold. I was in a short sleeve shirt, it was Robins clothing since I didn't have my own.

Soon enough my lover came over to me once again "hey Finn, you doing okay?" He asked. I didn't reply, I truly didn't know.

As a breeze went by I rubbed my cold arms as I shivered. "Are you getting cold?" He wondered

I nodded and he offered for us to go back inside and get a jacket, I stood up and started walking. Except I didn't get a jacket like Robin thought I was.

I just laid down on his bed and snuggled into the soft blankets.

Robins pov

Once Finn was outside he just laid in the grass not moving around or even caring that he was finally out of the house.

I sat near my dad who was closely watching my boyfriend, fucking creep. 

"I'm worried about him, he seems…different lately.." I explained

My dad nodded and put his drink can down, I kept talking to him about what I think is wrong. But I couldn't mention the phone incident, I didn't want Finney in trouble.

After a few minutes I brought Finn inside but instead of him getting a jacket like I thought he would, he just went to bed, my bed.

I walked into my room with a jacket in hand and he was already asleep. I sighed and walked over to his peaceful body, I leaned in and kissed his head.

I walked out quickly shutting the door and sat down on the floor, wondering what was wrong with him. I can't lose him, not yet. I've only had him for a few months, over 4 to be exact. 

I leaned back cursing myself trying to think of something wrong, but came to no concussion. My dad walked by to see me slightly balled up by my bedroom door.

He crouched down and rubbed my shoulder "he'll be fine don't worry buddy" my dad said getting back up.

I nodded hoping what my father said was true, he'll probably be fine in the morning. And then we can play outside and go back to happy Finn.

I stood up and headed to the kitchen. It was only late afternoon and I didn't know how long my lover would sleep for. So I made some snack  food and set it out on the table.

(990 words)

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