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I lay in bed shivering, wondering where I am. Am I hallucinating or am I back in my dorm room? 

White spots dance along my field of vision. It's like I've been staring at the sun and then suddenly I'm back inside my room?

Nothing makes sense.

One minute I'm in Brice's bathroom at Mavericks Manor then he's choking me and his eyes... they looked other worldly – evil.

Just thinking about it sends another shiver down my spine. 

It's not just fear. I'm cold, so cold.

I get the courage to turn around and it looks like I'm in my room as my eyes adjust in the darkness. I sit up and I'm hit with vertigo. My eyes hurt and they're dry under the strain of keeping them open. 

I prop myself against the pillows, lean my head against the cool wall and close my eyes. It burns so good. I sigh in relief until I remember the man who shot my parents.

I squeeze my eyes shut fighting the memory. My mother told me to go to my room but I was curious. I was small enough to fit through the ventilation system of the apartment. The building was formerly industrial and I had familiarised myself with the blueprints in my father's office once he explained the layout of our new home.

I snap my eyes open. I don't want to remember. I shiver in fear all over again. I gotta stay awake. I gotta...


I wake with a start. Awareness seeps into my pores. I'm wet.

Why am I wet? Oh that's right. I was in the bathroom... with Brice. He tried to drown me under the shower.

I wake up and draw the curtains. I strip and put on my pj's which I haphazardly threw on my bed when getting ready for the party. I slide under the duvet feeling the dampness that seeped through overnight from my clothes.

I slide over to a dry spot and the cool sheets make me shiver. Despite the supposedly humid weather and sunshine outside, I'm freezing.

I may be coming down with something. However, there's a chill that settles into my bones that has nothing to do with the weather. What's wrong with me?

A wave of grief hits me and I feel like I'm losing my parents all over again. I feel like I'm losing myself. A choked sob escapes and the flood gates open.



I stare at my phone waiting for a reply. I haven't seen or spoken to Soleil since last night when she left off with Brice. 

I surprised myself and had fun with new people. Never have I ever drank so much in my life. To be honest, I was taking shots to piss off Hidde. He may be head-boy but that doesn't mean he can boss me around off school grounds. 

I check my phone again sans notification. Still nothing. Did something happen?

She's always such a chatter box when it comes to Brice. It's actually annoying, but right now I miss my girl and her silly infatuation.

We always eat together. I've already dished up and I'm contemplating just stuffing my face by myself before I head back to my room. I could use some more sleep. I'm just thankful the nausea has passed.

"Hey Charlondra," Palesa greets.



"Hiii girl!"

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