She looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"What are you trying to prove here?" She asked

"I'm sorry" I sang along with Justin Bieber, she rolled her eyes, the song continued

I'll take every single piece of the blame if you want me to
But you know that there is no innocent one in this game for two
I'll go, I'll go and then you go, you go out and spill the truth
Can we both say the words and forget this?

Since all eyes were on us she couldn't do anything then just play along. Once the song ended and spotlight was off, she pulled away from me

"Did you like the song?" I asked casually, she rolled her eyes

"What do you want?"

"Some greetings, like hi, hello, heya, wassup" I shrugged

"How about get lost?" She scoffed, I laughed

She was looking around, like trying to find someone.

"I'm right here, who are you looking for?" I asked, she heaved a sigh

"Mr Khan please, don't irritate me."

"Ok fine! I will not."

She looked around and walked towards the dancing people

"Where are you Reem?" She said

Reem! Oh yes! She was also here, and that reminds me Izhaan also came with me, I scanned the whole area in search for him.

"She must be with Izhaan" I said to her

"Jeeju is also here?" She asked with a smile, I inwardly rolled my eyes.

"Yeah! He is."

"Where is he?" She asked

"I don't know. He was here, but now I can't see him"

"Call him" she said

"You can also call Reem"

"Our phones are in the car" she replied

"Ok! Let's go outside, I will call him"

We came towards the exit to make a call since there was no network in the club.

I called Izhaan, he told me he was taking Reem home, since he missed her so much. I hung up the call

"They are going home" I told her, she frowned

"Why is she going back without me?"

"Home as in our home"

"Khan villa? Why is she going there?" She asked, I shrugged. She looked like she was in deep thoughts, then she smiled

"Oh! She went with jeeju" she mumbled under her breath

"Hmm?" I asked

She turned around and walked towards the valet, I followed her.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"Home" she shrugged

"Really? You are coming back home?" I asked feeling thrilled, she narrowed her eyes at me

"No! Mr Khan. I'm going back to dad's house" she retorted

"Ayesha please! Let's go home" I requested, she gave me a deaf ear

"At least come to drop me" I pleaded she frowned at me. "I came here with Izhaan, he took the car, how will I go back." I said

"You are not a child, book yourself a cab"

Just let me love you.. again (SEASON I)Where stories live. Discover now