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Agroprom. The Factory.
13:16 20/09/2018

After both Stalkers left the Great Swamps, they were now near the entrance to the Agroprom Factory

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After both Stalkers left the Great Swamps, they were now near the entrance to the Agroprom Factory. They took the long way there, though.
Both of them could've cut ways and go from the Tuzla Tunnel and take the road to the North, towards Agroprom. Unfortunately, that would lead them right in front of the Agroprom Research institue, where the military was stationed.
Yuri could pass by with no problem, due to him being a former Dutyer and a current Ecologist, both allied/neutral factions with the military... Unfortunately, Gabriel was part of an enemy faction. That and him being a deserter, they would shoot both of them on sight.
So, what they did was going back the way the came towards Cordon, resuply at Loris and Xenotech's farm, cut through the Garbage and into Agroprom.

Gabriel: "Suck my dick, you cunts."
-The soldier said as he flipped off another Mi-24 that flew over them. He knew they couldn't hear him, but damn he wished they could.
He recieved a soft punch on his shoulder from his companion, who tried to get his attention.

Yuri: "Come on, let's just move."
-He said while he kept walking, almost leaving Gabriel behind, who followed him.
After a minute or two, passing by some campfires with both Loners and Ecologists present, they made it to the entrance to the Agroprom Underground.
It was... A manhole. Just that.
Unfortunately, the smell comming from there wasn't very enjoyable... Fortunately, the filters on their helmets was effective enough to cover it up.

Gabriel: "Let's do this..."
-The Loner said before he climbed down the stairs to the Agroprom Underground
The ambience was dark, the only lights were a couple of red and yellow-ish lightbulbs that somehow still worked.

"-The Loner said before he climbed down the stairs to the Agroprom UndergroundThe ambience was dark, the only lights were a couple of red and yellow-ish lightbulbs that somehow still worked

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However, they were not alone. Yuri placed his finger near his mouth, gesturing his companion to be silent.
Some voices could be heard nearby. Specifically, down the other stairs in front if them, to the right.
Both Stalkers pulled out their shotguns and got ready, since shit was about to get real. It could be anything: Bandits, the military. Hell, it could even be a controller trying to lure them in.
Either way, both got ready for whatever was around the corner, with Gabriel being the one taking a peek and recieving a bullet zipping past him.

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