☆ Apologetic Yet Bitter (14)

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"JACOB AND NICK?!" Yelled the voice of a girl. The sudden outburst made the cafeteria quiet as her voice echoed around the room. "WHAT THE- HOW THE HELL DID YOU-" Kaitlyn continued to scream, surprised and angry. They wouldn't have just admitted them back into the school after what they did?! Right?!

"Hey Hacketteers! We're back!" Jacob admitted smugly, throwing his arms in the air like a he won a race. Dylan eyed Jacob, then his stub. He was the reason that he was an amputee. He was the cause of Ryan almost losing his life. Why, just why would they let him come back here? He shifted closer to Ryan, clinging onto his arm. He was worried, scared, nervous, and didn't know what to do.

Surprisingly, Kaitlyn had taken note of her friend's expression. "No, NO. You do NOT. AND I MEAN DO NOT COME BACK HERE AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO HIM. TO THEM." She argued, stomping fiercely towards the smug boy and his companion. "I-I didn't mean to hurt Vy- he jumped infront of me!"

"Y'know Jacob, instead of being a dickhead, you should've just let Ryan talk to him." Emma backed Kaitlyn up, walking beside her and sassily putting her hands on her hips, "You think I didn't see what happened back there?"

Jacob struggled to reply, "H-He started it!" The stressed boy childishly swung his finger to point it at Ryan, who was too busy comforting his boyfriend to pay attention to his words. "He wouldn't of if you and your lapdog Nick, weren't being so selfish. Vy has other people to talk to- it isn't my fault he doesn't have interest in you." Emma glanced at Nick; he took a step back in shock, she wasn't supposed to expose him like that. That was enough to get Ryan's attention. He blunk multiple times, trying to register what he just heard.

"I-I... I.." He stuttered nervously, knees weak.

"You what, Nick?" Emma snapped, crossing her arms and shaking her head in disappointment.

"... I'm sorry. I came here to apologize, I'm not sure about Jacob. I just... I just..."
Tears slowly began to form in his brown eyes, "I think... I was jealous... o-of what they had. I took my anger out when I shouldn't have and- it was dumb, really dumb." Nick kept his head facing the ground, he couldn't bring himself to even look at the people he had hurt. "Ryan... you don't have to accept my apology. I just thought I should... that I should sort it out instead of you guys hating me forever."

The cafeteria was full with an intense silence, until someone broke it. "Nick, right? Y'know, I really do appreciate you having the heart to apologize but..." A teenage girls' voice trailed off, "Words
really, really can't take away the fact that you almost took my brother away from me."

Ryan's head jerked at the sound of a familiar voice. As if on cue, Sarah had showed up with two other people behind her- Laura and... some guy. He had reddish hair, icy blue eyes, and a lot of freckles scattered around his face. "And BTW, your face is kinda making wanna puke! So, y'know, it's time for you to scram!"

People in the cafeteria giggled at the teenager's comment, while Nick reddened from embarrassment. She was right, it was time for him to 'scram'. "O-okay" The embarrassed boy muttered as he made his way out of the cafeteria.
Jacob stood there like an idiot before following Nick outside.

After that little tangent, the cafeteria went back to it's usual amount of noise. Sarah cleared her throat, "Anywayssss, I want you two to meet-"

"-Max! I'm Max! Max Brinly!" He repeated his name excitedly, Laura scoffing at his cute annoying-ness. "Yeah, and Max has had way too much candy this morning." She says as she looks up at him. Max frowns and takes a seat across from the two boys; Dylan and Ryan. "It wasn't that much. Plus, ninety nine cents a pack!"

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