☆ New Boy (3)

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Ryan and Laura were conversating when Mrs.Milson, their English teacher, announced that there would be a new student joining them.

Kaitlyn beamed at the news, tapping her foot and waiting for the student to enter. There was a 99.9 percent chance that it was Vy.

"Come in sweetie!" Mrs.Milson yelled.

The door opened, and Kaitlyn stared at it. A boy entered, he had honey coloured hair. He was a little pale, and his left hand was heavily bandaged. He was wearing a grey short sleeve shirt which slightly exposed a wolf tattoo on his right arm.

His nose was red, really red. His eyes darted towards everyone in the classroom. He opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. "H-hi." He muttered, playing with his fingers.

"Okay, could you tell is your name honey?" Mrs.Milson whispered to him.

"Uh, oh. I'm uh, Dylan Lenivy. But you could call me Vy for short."

Kaitlyn jumped in her chair, and Dylan noticed. His eyes sparkled when he realized that she was "KaitlynInLondon," his online friend.

"I like to um, do stuff. Okay I'll be more specific. I enjoy music and science stuff. And I have a cat."

"Is there anything else?" Mrs. Milson layed her hand on his shoulder.

"Oh y-yeah! I'm aware that my hand looks, uh, like a mummy's own. Please don't ask about it. Um, yeah. That's it. I hope we could all get along."

Once he was finished, Kaitlyn aggressively tapped the empty seat next to her. She had left a space between her and Ryan because she thought he didn't want to speak to her. Dylan practically ran to the seat and gave Kaitlyn a hug.

"You look wayyyy different than I expected you to." She said, patting his back. "I never thought you would have a tattoo! And uh.. be overwhelmingly tall."

"I never thought you would have such short hair! You're really tiny."

"Ugh, shut up."

"And fierce!"

They both chuckled and settled down.
Dylan was just inspecting the classroom when his eyes met someone elses. It was Ryan, the boy he smiled at yesterday. His nose immediately turned pink as Ryan studied his face.

"H-hi.." Dylan stuttered. He fiddled with his fingers, "I.. uh saw you yesterday a-at the light."

"Yeah, I remember you." He lowered his voice, "You smiled at me."

The redness of Dylan's nose began to spread to his whole face. He wanted to reply, but a word could not escape his quivering lips. He slammed his head down and covered himself with the collar of his shirt.

"Is..he okay?" Laura asked, pointing at the totally freaked out Dylan.

"I... maybe we should leave him alone."

"Good idea."

☆ ☆ ☆

"Hey, guys! I want y'all to meet someone." Kaitlyn slammed her tray of food on the table and sat down. She scanned the lunch room until her eyes stopped on a tall figure. She waved at him to come over.

"Ooh, who's your friend Kaitlyn?" The girl across from her smirked and leaned over the table.

"He's gay, Emma."

"I didn't even know he was male, or gay, Kaitlyn." Emma crossed her arms, then bit her apple.

"Okay, yeah, you didn't. Anyway, VY! STOP WALKING LIKE A SNAIL AND GET YOUR A... SELF OVER HERE!" She tracked Dylan like he was moving in slow motion or something.

He shyly sat down next to Kaitlyn and her friends, "H-h..." he paused. "H-hi." He murmured. Under the table, he was twirling his fingers around eachother.

Kaitlyn glared at her friends, "Come on, introduce yourselves!" She whispered through her teeth. Clearly they don't know how meeting new people works.

Emma cleared her throat and stood on the bench for dramatic effect. "Hello, new blood. I am Emma Mountebank, the vocal and performative arts major! And you are?"

"Emma, get off the bench please. You might hurt yourself." Another girl complained.

"Keyword: might." She winked at the girl, "Now let the new blood speak!"

"Lenivy." He smiled, "Dylan Lenivy, THE Dylan Lenivy. I major in the uh, thingy of computers."

"Cool beans! Now let me make this quicker for you." She jumped off the bench and spun around the table, "This is Abigail AKA the very talented artist,
that's Nick, that annoying thing over there is Jacob-"

"Hey!" I'm not annoying-"

"Shush. I am Emma, as I said before. And I'm assuming you already know Kaitlyn?"

"Yeah. We met online."

"Cool, I remember when I used to have online friends." She spoke like she was in a dramatic movie, "I can't make time for those anymore."

Emma was about to finish her... uhm. Movie? But the bell had stopped her. "Ugh. Annoying thing. I'll see you guys later, okay?"

They said their goodbyes and went off to their classes. Kaitlyn did have to stay back with Vy since he couldn't his. He did find it eventually.

☆ ☆ ☆

The rest of the school day was mostly boring, as usual. Until Ryan's major, which was art. He sat next to Abigail, she was very kind and he never had a dull time with her. They shared a lot of interests, which meant a lot of things to talk about.

"What are you gonna make?" Abigail asked as she drew circles on the blank piece of paper.

Ryan stroked lines on his paper, "I don't know yet."

"A Melody inspired girl staring at us through like, a fisheye lens peephole?" She suggested, "It would still count because perspective is in it."

"Right." Ryan began to draw a cylinder. The top was big and it got smaller at the bottom. Then he sketched what looked like a human body. He put huge bulging eyes on the girl. The eyes were cute, but Ryan found them funny.

"Heh, check this out." He tapped Abigail's shoulder, "Awh, she's so cute!" She said in awe.

"Thanks. Maybe I should make her have a missing hand or something."

"Why a missing hand?"


Abigail tilted her head and brought her eyebrows together, "Hello?" She asked.

"The uhm, new boy has a cast and now I want to draw her to have one." His eyes moved to the girl's hand, "Maybe I should give her a really red nose. And nice eyelashes. Dark brown eyes."

Abigail watched as Ryan rambled about Vy's features. She didn't even notice half of the things he spoke about. Maybe Ryan was like that, or...

He had a crush on him.

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