☆ Explanation (10)

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The sound of beeping ringed in Ryan's ears as he gained consciousness. His eyes dragged open, and there he saw a room full of white. Confused, he looked down and stared at the insane amount of wires attached to his body.

He couldn't focus on the wires or where he was for too long, though. He heard footsteps, and they were coming closer to the white door across from him. It opened while a person, presumably a doctor, walked inside. "Mr. Erzahler, you're awake!" She said cheerfully.

"W...wha..happen..?" Ryan replied, investigating the room as if he was in a dream. "You don't remember anything?" Asked the doctor. "Well, I rehmber... uh," he thought for a while, "I got slammed against... the pole. Big meal- metal. And, uh, I opened my eyes... and my friend- he- he got was..."

Ryan stopped, he was clearly, totally out of it. The doctor nodded her head, she wasn't picking up most of what Ryan said, but she was trying to make sense of it anyway. "Hmm, okay," she hummed, "Do you remember anything else?"

"Uh, uhm, there was blood. A lot of them."

The doctor took out a notepad and started writing, "I figured," she said. "I'll go inform the other doctor's that you're awake, then you'll have some more checkups, and..." she tapped her foot, "You'll be free to go."


A few minutes passed by and the doctor did exactly as she said. She informed the other doctor's, they gave Ryan checkups, and then he was free to leave.
Ryan was just freed from the hospital, so he was unsure of what to do. So he spent atleast a minute to remember things he had did before.

My home...my earbuds..my 'family'... family!? Sarah! The thought of his little sister's name made him panic. He had no idea where she was, who had been taking care of her. He didn't even know what day it was. At this point, Ryan started to run. He sprinted through sidewalks and roads, attempting to find his home.

With the help of the street that Sarah almost got hit by a car on, he found his house. Ryan cracked a crooked smile at the place. It was a simple dark brown, two-story house. Well, not exactly two story. The second floor was closed off by Ryan because of issues with money. It was still enough for his sister and he, so he didn't mind.

Ryan knocked on the door, expecting someone to answer, but no one did. This caused Ryan to panic more, Where could she be? If she's not here, where could she be?! He skimmed through all the places he knew in his brain, though it didn't get him anywhere. Then, he started walking, randomly. It's like his legs was taking him somewhere, but he didn't know where.

Up the street, by the school, cross the road, continue walking... there! He slowed down when he stopped infront of a lavender building. He looked up and squinted at the sign, "Diana's Flowers" it read. The name sounded familiar to him, but he wasn't sure. He entered to a noise, which sounded like crying.

"I should've did something more.. I miss him Sarah... so, so much." Said a slightly growly voice. "I do too," the girl sniffed, "A-and, it's not your fault you... you tried your best." The bell rung as the door shut, and both their heads swung in the direction of the sound. Ryan eyed the two, puzzled. He flinched intensely when he heard a set of speedy footsteps, and felt an immense force push him back.

All of them fell backwards, and the boy smothered Ryan in hugs while the girl cried harder. "Oh fuck... Ryan, it's- it's really you!" That voice... I recognize it.. at that moment, his eye's twinkled like he had opened them for the first time. He hugged the boy back, tightly. "Dylan..." he muttered as a bunch of memories involving this boy rushed through his mind.

Both of them shuffled around the floor, still hugging. And that's when Ryan realized... that this hug didn't feel normal. He felt pressure on the right side of his back, but not the left. He felt something rub the right side of his back, but not the left. So as soon as they pulled away, Ryan looked to his left, shocked at what he saw.

Dylan's left hand was gone. All that was left was a stub with a cast wrapped around it. "D-Dylan! Your hand!" Ryan yelled. "Oh.. about that," he sucked his teeth, "I'll have to get you updated since it has been a week." WHAT?! A WEEK?! A WEEK?! He and his brain froze, completely flabbergasted.

Dylan; who was now one-handed, got from on top of Ryan. He gave Sarah and Ryan a moment to reconnect, cry (which Sarah did), and hug. After that, it was time to explain everything.

"Okay, so, Ryan..." Dylan moved his eyes into the air, thinking about what he should say next, "Where do you wanna start?" "I wanna start with the fact it has been a week, what has happened?"
Dylan nodded and hummed, "Mmh, so basically after you passed out, Kaitlyn called the ambulance for both of us. News had spread around the school, so Jacob- and Nick, excuse me, were suspended for uhm, I don't know how long. They might have to redo the year, big oof but that's what you get when you're stupid."

Ryan shook his head as he scooted closer to Dylan. "I had to go to the emergency room and get my hand removed. And you... you were in a coma. As soon as I recovered, your friends and I visited everyday. I fucking missed you Ryan... I'm so happy you're here right now."
He turned to smile sweetly at the boy,
and the other did the same.

"I'm happy you're okay too," he paused, "And, uhm.. this all happened because I just wanted to ask you..." His voice trailed off, and he placed his hand on top of Dylan's, whose nose turned pink in response of the touch. "Will you meet me in Grimes Park tomorrow?"

"O-oh... of course! What time?"
Ryan thought about the time they could meet up. He wanted everything to be just right. For Ryan, nighttime seemed to be perfect and romantic. But he thought Dylan was more of a 'sunset' type of person. "Hm... four?" He decided. "Ooh, perfect! I'll have time to do my homework and everything."

"Then it's settled." Ryan tightened his grip on Dylan's hand, giggling. He blushed when he heard Ryan giggle, this wasn't a thing Dylan would expect Ryan to do, ever. "Thank you... Dyl," he said, the nickname made 'Dyl' turn red. "Ahhh, it's nothing." He chuckled at the appreciation Ryan gave him.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go and tell my friends that I'm alive and well now."


Ryan having to leave made Dylan feel a bit sad, he wasn't used to Ryan giving him so much affection. But he tried not to get too bitter, he was aware the boy had other people to speak to; like Laura and Kaylee. "See you tomorrow?" He asked, about to close the door. "See me tomorrow." Dylan assured him. He watched happily as the two siblings left the shop.

Hey there!! How did you feel about this chapter? Are you happy Ryan is awake? (Uhm, of course you are! Well, you better be...) Anyway, I'm super excited to write about their little date~~ it's gonna be very fun, AND something might happen between them.... what will it be? Find out in the next chapter〜

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