☆ The Boy On The Sidewalk (1)

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Ryan Erzahler and his little sister, Sarah Erzahler, had exited the house. He was taking Sarah to school again. School had just started back, and it was Ryan's last year.

Sarah clutched her bag strap with her sweaty palms. It was going to be her first year of highschool.

"Okay, Sarah. Let's go now." Ryan held out his hand, which Sarah looked at in response.

"You sure I still need that?" She said, crossing her arms. She fully believed that she was a "big girl" now. Which was somewhat true.

"Last time I didn't hold your hand, you almost got hit by a car. I'm not risking that again."

"Ugh, okayyyyy. I'll hold your little snagger." Sarah took his hand and they began walking.

Soon enough, they were almost at school. Ryan carefully led Sarah across one last street before stopping infront of the building. Then, he took out his phone to check the time.

"Hey, we're pretty early." He smiled at the sight of 7:28.

"Sarah?" Ryan looked down at his sister, who was shaking, "Hey, It'll be fine. It's not that... scary."

"You sound unsure." She replied, swinging her arms back and forth.

"Just go inside." He playfully rolled his eyes and shoved Sarah infront of him.

She shook her hands, stood tall, and creeped into the school as Ryan followed.

Ryan reached into his sweater to pull out an white folded up paper. He already took his quiz, so he already got his schedule. Sarah didn't have hers yet though, since she was out of town with their grandparents.

"Come check your bag and then go stand in that line over there."

"O-okay." Sarah observed the area while trailing behind her older brother.

Security checked their bags, then Sarah went to go stand in the line where all the freshmen were. Ryan watched Sarah as he went to go and sit on some stairs nearby.

He opened his bag and glided his hands around, until they stopped on a smooth surface. It was Ryan's earbuds! He couldn't live without them. Ryan proceeded to shove them into his ear, even though he wasn't going to listen to anything.

He inspected his schedule, but his head shot up when he heard quick footsteps coming near him.

"RYAN!!" Yelled a girl. She had neck length light brown hair, black jeans that ended right below her knees, and a very, very gummy smile. It was Kaylee Hackett, the principal's daughter.

"Kaylee?" Ryan tilted his head to the right, and glanced at the other girl beside her.

This girl had her blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. Long black jeans, and her phone in her hand. It was Laura Kearney, his best friend.


"Yo, Ryan. What's good?" Laura placed her hand on Ryan's head and aggressively shook it back and forth.

"Um, ow?" He held his forehead, "I'd prefer you just yell out like Kaylee."

Kaylee sat beside Ryan and smiled at him, excitedly. She was a very energetic girl. "Whaddya doing?" She said, bouncing her leg. "Are you excited for the last year?!"

"I'm waiting for my sister. And I have mixed feelings about leaving."

"Ooh, your sister goes here now? I've been wanting to meet her. From the way you describe her, she sounds nice." Laura explained, she moved her eyes around the room to see if she could spot her.

"Nice is an overstatement."

"D'awh, your sister can't be THAT bad. Or are you joking?"


Just then, Sarah made her way up to Ryan again.

"Look! I got my schedule!" She waved her paper in the air, "Are these your friends?"

"Yeah! I'm Kaylee, and this is Laura."

She reached her hand out so Sarah could shake it. Sarah was about to take her hand until the bell rung abruptly and interrupted their handshake.

"That's the bell! Bye Sarah! Bye Ryan! I'll see you in biology!" She began to walk up the stairs, and Laura followed. "Oh yeah, and in lunch!" She added before running off.

"I guess we should get going aswell?"

"Yeah. I don't even know where my class is."

"Don't worry, I'll help."

Sadly, Ryan was late to his class. But luckily, he didn't get in trouble for it because he informed his English teacher, Mrs.Milson, that he was helping his little sister get around.

Tons of boring classes passed by. Eventually, lunch came (yay).
Ryan made his way to the table he usually sat at, and Kaylee joined him.
Laura didn't have the same lunch period as them, which was terrible, but atleast he had Kaylee. Oh, and Sarah.

Sarah was awkwardly walking past tables with her wobbly legs. Her legs only stopped wobbling when she saw Ryan. She happily sat next to him and buried her face into his arm.

"Ryannnn," she mumbled, tugging on his sleeve.

"What?" He concerningly eyed his sister.

"I saw people," she said. She rose her finger in the air, "What? Of course you'll see people. Do you have any idea where we are?" Ryan interrupted, lightly shoving Sarah away. "No, no. You didn't let me finish! They were looking at you." She added.

Ryan looked to his left to see very familiar faces. Jacob Custos, Nick Furcillo, Abigail Blyg, Emma Mountebank, and Kaitlyn Ka.
He frowned, "They've been doing that ever since I came here," he paused.
"I usually ignore them though."

"I wonder why they keep looking at you."
Kaylee thought while munching on her lettuce. She swung her fork and nodded her head like she was thinking of something.

"Oh, yeah! Sarah, did you make any friends yet?" asked Kaylee, she was intrigued by the idea and wanted to know.

"Obvi not. If I did, I would've been sitting with them. But I don't, so I'm stuck with this guy." She pointed her thumb at Ryan, then whispered "Ew."

Kaylee giggled, and Ryan shot his eyebrow in the air. Soon lunch was over, and back to class it was. Well, only two more left. So it was nothing interesting, home time!

Ryan and Sarah walked away from the school, "Did you have fun?" He questioned. "Meh, it was okay." Sarah shrugged her shoulders, "I'll try to talk to some people tomorrow."

They stood at the sidewalk and waited for the light. Ryan intensely stared at the light, he was interrupted when he saw a silhouette of a person step beside him.
It was a boy, who looked rather worried.
He was about two inches taller than Ryan, and had honey coloured hair. He was a little pale, and his nose was a shade of light pink.

He kept shooting quick looks at Ryan, who caught him in the act. They stared at eachother for a good moment, until Ryan slowly raised his hand to his face and waved at the boy, confused. The boy waved back, then the light changed to red and they were both on their way.

"Weird." Ryan thought out loud. Little did he know, that small encounter was going to make his life a little more interesting.

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