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Sunoo slid into the seat Infront of Leilani. A large cup of ice coffee held in one hand, small bag containing Panadol, a heat pack and can't in the other.

Leilani looked up, startled. She was late for school today, so she had decided to take the bus in order to (hopefully) save time.

"What?" The girl asked, confused.

"A 'goodmorning' would be nice." Sunoo said, handing the drink and the bag to the girl. "Take care of your health, ok?"

Leilani accepted and immedietly took a long swig of the drink. She hadn't had time to drink her morning coffee. Everyone knows that students survive off coffee, especially seniors. Detatchment from the drug was lethal.

"How'd you know I was here?" Lani asked, poking her head into the bag. Nice, Sunoo had bought Lindt chocolate.

"I was going to the mall today, to meet Sunghoon. Then I saw you on the bus."

Leilani nod her head and drowned half of her drink. "That's cool." She didn't really know what else to say. It was too early in the morning for a conversation, her brain was barely functioning. "I hardly take the bus."

Sunoo nod his head a little and giggled. "I can tell. I saw the way you didn't know how to pay."

Leilani's eyes widened. Sunoo saw that? That was so embarassing.

The girl sat there for a little before realisation dawned on her.

"Wait, How'd you buy all this in time to see me get on the bus and then get on yourself?" She gestured to her lap. There was no way Sunoo could have done that. Unless the bus had stayed at the stop for 10 minutes. Which it had not.

Sunoo blushed a little. Guilty! "I might have lied."

Leilani urged the boy to go on, and so he did. "Hanbin turned off your alar-"

"No, sorry. Hanbin told me you were late and then told me you were taking the bus. I've been waiting here longer than you have."

Leilani but her lip. "Can you go back to the bit where you said Hanbin turned off my ala-"

She was interrupted by the clicking sound of a camera. The two turned to their side to see a girl, probably a little older than them looking guilty as heck.

The two froze, not knowing what to do in the situation.

Sunoo was scared for his friends safety, worried that she would be the target of his very first dating scandal.

Leilani's mind had drawn a blank. Seriously, what were you supposed to do in that situation?

The lady looked at her camera and drowned a little, realising that the photo was blurred thanks to Sunoo's movements. You couldn't even tell it was him

The bus halted to a stop just as the lady raised the camera again. Some people seriously have no shame whatsoever.

Sunoo grabbed Leilani's hand and ran off, pushing past the people that were getting off the bus.

Together, they ran and ran, further and further away from the bus, despite the fact that the lady hadn't bothered to chase them

Leilani was the first to stop, putting her arms on her knees as she bent over and tried to catch her breath. Wow, she was really out of shape.

Sunoo stopped with her. "I hate everyone." He said between deep breaths. Leilani had to agree.

Leilani finally caught her breath and realised where they were. "Sunoo, If we keep waking, I can get to school within 5 minutes."

Sunoo nod his head and then started walking. I guess life must carry on.

"Sun, why did you meet me this morning?" The girl asked, finally revealing what was dawning on her mind the entire morning.

"Oh, yeah. Hanbin told me you have another exam today. I was wondering why you didn't contact me to celebrate."

Leilani laughed a little. "Hanbin told you my schedule?"

Sunoo nod. "You have one exam this Friday, and then your last one will be next week."

Ah yes, her last exam, signifying her end of time in Korea.

They chose not to think about that for now.

"Honestly, I didn't contact you because I didn't know how to celebrate today." Leilani had pondered for so so long, what could she do? There was nothing in particular that stuck out to her.

Sunoo smiled and rubbed his hands, almost evilly. "Then, may I make a suggestion?"

She didn't see why not, and so Leilani nod her head.

"Cool, make sure you wear something pretty. I'll be at your house around 6 tonight." The boy stated as he picked up his pace a little. Clearly, he was excited.

"Wait, so you won't even tell me what we'll do?"

Sunoo shook his head and then took Leilani's hand, pressing his lips to it softly. It had become something normal between the two. "Have a good day, Lani!" He stared to run off now.

"Where are you going?" Leilani yelled, startled at the boys sudden change in mood.

"To prepare! For tonight!"

Leilani chuckled to herself as she watched the boy run so eagerly that he nearly tripled over his shoelaces.

I guess her morning had ended up being way better than what she had initially perceived it to be.

All beacuse of a certain sunny boy.

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