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Sunoo stared down at his phone, from his position on his bed. Heeseung had just messaged him to cancel their plans last minute.

Originally, the friends were supposed to eat ice-cream together at Sunoos. But then, Heeseung decided that today was the day he would get a girlfriend. And so, just like that, Sunoo had been abandoned.

Swinging his legs as they hung off the bed unenthusiastically, Sunoo let his mind drift far.

"What the point of finding a lover? Those feelings won't stay forever, all you'll feel is attachment after a while." He flipped over onto his stomach and burried his head into his pillow. "Besides, aren't we too young for all that? Shouldn't we focus on our careers?"

The boy groaned. Thanks to Heeseung, he was now left all alone in his house. His family were also gone, on a destination wedding that had been planned last minute. Sunoo had absolutely refused to go.

"Destination weddings are so dumb, you're making people pay loads of money just to see two people get married, when realistically, they'll get divorced like a year later and decide that it's just better to stay friends." The boy huffed as he let his anger and frustration out.

"Ok, let's not be so moody today. Let's have a fun day, regardless of what happens. I have the power to control how I perceive my day, and I chose to be happy." He slapped his cheeks and got up

Sunoo fished out his phone and called Sunghoon.

Suprisingly, the other answered his phone within three rings

"You down to hang out?"


"Yeah." Sunoo was extremely desperate for human interaction

"Sure. I was bored anyways."


Around two hours later, the boys were strolling down a street at 4pm, passing by all the store owners who were cleaning up and students going home.

Sunghoon and Sunoo walked side by side, not saying anything. Simply, because they had nothing to say.

"Heeseung asked Gyuri out, they're dating now." Sunoo spoke up, desperate to have someone to talk to.

"Really? Everyone's getting into relationships these days. When will it be my turn?" The boy yearned half jokingly.

Sunoo shoved his arm. "Don't say that. If you get a girlfriend, you'll invest all your time in them. What about me then, huh?"

Sunghoon laughed and ruffled the younger boys hair. "Don't worry, none of us will leave you."

"You sure about that?" Sunoo piped up. "Because I was supposed to hang with HeeHee and he left me."

Sunghoon stopped waking, he looked as if he had been splashed with a bucket of cold water.

"Wait...so I wasn't your first choice? You didn't want to hang with me originally?" The older boy overreacted.

Sunoo bit his lip harshly, getting frustrated at the older boys misinterpretation and forced him to start walking again

"Don't worry, someone will chose you first one day. Maybe not today, but one day." Sunoo woke up and chose violence.

It was a bad decision.

Sunghoon decided to get his revenge on the younger boy.

He fastened his pace until they were walking right behind a student, who looked like they were going home after a long day.

To her credit, the girl still upheld herself in an elegant manner, not dragging her feet or slumping her shoulders despite how tired she looked.

Sunoo thought nothing of Sunghoons actions and caught up with him quickly.

"Yo, Sunoo. Isn't she exactly your type? Mid length brown hair, around 165 centimetres, and she's obviously smart? I can practically see you drooling." Sunghoon spoke up loudly, obviously intending for the girl Infront to hear his words.

Sunoo, who didn't know how to react to the attack, pinched Sunghoons finger. Which was honestly just weird.

"Shut up right now or I won't buy you lunch for a month."

Sunghoon threw his head back and chuckled. "I always buy for you, don't joke around with me."

The girl Infront turned around and glared at the two. Sunoo read her name tag. Leilani, she was obviously a forgein exchange student.

Her extremely curly hair framed her face, making her look sophisticated. Her eyes sharp and attentive, clearly she was no one to mess with. Her dark skin contrasted perfectly against the creamy uniform she wore.

She was beautiful.

Sunoo cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for my friend, he was messing around. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Sunoo garbbed Sunghoons back and made him bow

"Well you did."

Sunghoon got up quickly and rasied his eyebrows. "Huh?"

"You made me uncomfortable." The girl spoke, keeping her calm composure. "How will you make it up to me?" She faced Sunoo.

"M-me? No, it was him who said all that-" sunoo turned to his side to see Sunghoon smiling sheepishly.

"I'm from the USA. No Korean, sorry." He spoke, changing his whole voice and demeanour to make it look like Sunoo was the bad guy. "I'm sunghoon." He awkwardly added in English after, seeing that the girl didn't fully believe his act

The girl now crossed her hands and raised a brow. "I'm waiting..."

Sunoo played with his fingers and thought desperately. "Damn you Sunghoon, getting me into this mess for what."

"I can pay for your snacks for a month. No, I'll pay for your meals."

The girl cocked her head to the side and looked as if she were deep in thought, only to finally smiled just a little.

"I like that idea. You can just give me cash. 50 000 won sound good?"

Sunoo choked on the air when he heard the sheer amount the girl was requesting.

She was beautiful, but harsh.

No one was blaming her though.

Still, it had to be done. He had his reputation to protect, and he had to make it up to the girl for being uncomfortable at the expense of Sunghoons revenge.

"Sure. We can meet here the day after tomorrow."

The girl stuck out her palm. "Deal. Don't be late."

Great. Sunoo was now annoyed. The pretty girl had practically stolen his money.

Leilani turned around and walked away, obviously not caring about the distressed state she had left the strange boy in.

At the end of the day, sunoo chose to perceive his day differently than what he had hoped.

Sunoo was not happy.

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