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"what are you doing here?" Sunoo asked the girl, who was clearly freezing.

The boy had been walking home on the usual raggedy path when he had spotted his friend.

"Waiting for you. Do you want to celebrate with me again?" Leilani asked as she handed the boy a heatpack produced from her bag.

"Celebrate what?" Sunoo asked before he thought. Finally, he realised. "Again? Another assessment?"

Leilani reaslied that due to his job, sunoo must have missed out on alot of school. And so he probably forgot about how demanding and stressful assessment periods were. "Today was chemistry. I wanted to slap my teacher, he didn't teach us alot of the content."

Sunoo pulled out his phone from his pocket. 07.37pm, wasn't it a little too late?

"At this time?" He asked, just to be sure he knew exactly what Leilani was asking from him.

Leilani started back at him. Ofcourse she wanted to go out at this time, why else would she have waited for him in the cold when she could have just messaged him instead?

"Give me another heat pack and I'll comply." Sunoo suggested, smirking at the girl.

"You'll bargain in order to come? Wow Sunoo." Leilani shook her head disappointedly but jokingly as she handed the boy another small source of heat.

Sunoo accepted it and put his hands staright into his pockets. The boy turned to his friend, ready to speak, when he reaslied something.

"Where are your gloves?"

Leilani looked at her hands sheepishly and smiled. "Forgot them. And this stupid jumper doesn't even have pockets. So I had to buy heatpacks."

This won't do, will it now?

Everything happened in slow motion. Leilani watched as Sunoo retracted his hands from his pockets and went to grab her own. He then proceeded to stuff her hands in his pockets, all while his hands held hers.

"Your hands are a little too cold. Stay like this, ok?" The boy said as they continued to walk.

The awkward position they were walking in most probably made onlookers laugh. But Leilani was greatful for her friends thoughtfulness.

And with that, she led the way with warm hands to a small alleyway dimly lit by antique lamps.

"What exactly are we here for?" Sunoo asked, inspecting his surroundings curiously.

"Portraits. This man draws them for you in like no time. And instead of exaggerating your insecurities, he'll draw you in a way that you'll appreciate yourself. Isn't that nice?"

Sunoo nod his head. Working in the idol industry, Sunoo sometimes felt like he was the most attractive person one day and then the worst the other. And so, he was looking forward to seeing how this man would perceive him.

The two entered a spacious shop, doorbell jingling as they did so.

"Welcome!" The man greeted them happily, setting down his cup of tea as he prepared his drawing equipment. "Ready for a portrait?"


Leilani and Sunoo sat down 20 minutes later, munching on complimentary biscuits and sipping soul warming tea. The man had insisted that it was ok for the two to move around, as long as he could see them.

"And, here we are! I hope you like it." The man made a big show of turning the portrait slowly and suspensfully.


Sunoo and Leilani were sat side by side. But instead of looking at the artist, they were looking at eachother. Sunoo displayed his signature foxy smile at the girl, looking at her so softly as if Leilani was the most delicate being on earth.

Leilani stared at Sunoo, more specifically, his eyes. She displayed a hint of a smile forming at the edge of her lips and she looked as if she were lost in the stars that were drawn in Sunoos eyes.

Lastly, the painter illustrated the duo's hands clamped together tightly, and the trace of light glitter hearts surrounding the two completed the image.

"I think you guys are lovely. And I hope you stay lovely forever." The man said, pleased to see his clients astonished reactions.

Leilani was pulled out of her trance first, reaching for her wallet in her bag.

The man saw her actions and was quick to stop her. "Please! This will be free of charge. You remind me of how my lover and I used to be, I genuinely enjoyed drawing you."

Sunoo smiled at the man greatfully, using his hand to push Leilani behind him as she refused to accept the painting for free.

"Thankyou so much sir, I hope you and your lover live a long and happy life together." Sunoo gently took the painting and bowed.

Leilani stood up. "I'll make sure to promote your business so well that you get tired of drawing. From the bottom of my heart, thankyou." She followed Sunoos actions

The man laughed and dismissed the girl.

"-however, this painting is too beautiful, and we wouldn't possible be able to decide on who gets to keep it." Leilani spoke. "We'd appreciate it if you'd use this as a display. To attract customers."

There was no way in hell that Lani would be accepting something so gorgeous free of charge. So the man might as well use it to his benefit.

The man thought on it before he nod his head in agreement. "Come back whenever you change your mind, I'll be here." He grinned and bid the teenagers goodbye.

Sunoo and Leilani walked out just as their portrait was hung on the window.

"That was kind of you." Sunoo spoke, in awe. "If I were you, I would have snatched it up as soon as he said it was free."

Leilani laughed as she pat Sunoo on the back. "I'll admit, I was a little selfish too. When I go back to Australia, and you go back to your job, we will probably lose all contact."

Sunoo looked at the girl incredously, holding her hands in his pockets a little tighter at her words.

"It's true Kim. It's bound to happen."

He had to give it to her, Leilani was the most realistic person he had ever met.

"So when that happens, I was thinking that our memory could be kept alive, hanging on the window in that man's shop."

Now, Sunoo understood. She was just trying to protect her peace in her own weird way. He felt the need to say something too.

"I hope everything you just said never happens."

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