7) Freaked Out

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a/n: Hi. I made an Evelynn playlist on spotify of songs in order of the events throughout book one and now. Should I make it public? Lmk. Thanks for reading!


Evelynn skipped the rest of Dean Sader's lesson, but she still attended Lady Lesso's later that day, having got more a grip on herself. As soon as she walked into the ice covered room however she was ambushed by Hester, Anadil and Agatha.

"Where were you?" Hester asked.

"Sophie's getting witch symptoms!" Agatha whispered in a very panicked tone.

Anadil leant over Agatha's shoulder. "Why did you make your sword like that?"

Evelynn raised her palms, moderately overwhelmed. "Can you guys stop with the questions, please?"

They nodded, Anadil took a step back.

"If Sophie's already turning back into a witch, we need to act fast."

Hester pointed at Agatha. "Agatha has to fail to be on watch duty so she can sneak to the other school without Sophie noticing."

"Smart. Good plan," Evelynn turned to Agatha, "I'll meet you down there tonight, Dot's probably also gonna be on watch duty so we don't have to worry about a snitch."

Anadil frowned. "You're still keen to go with her? Even after..."

She glanced at Hester, Hester shook her head.

"Chopping Tedros's head off." Anadil finished, her red eyes drifting awkwardly.

"It was just a ghost of Tedros, it wasn't-"

"You don't need to explain yourself, Evelynn," Hester interrupted, "I thought it was pretty cool."

Evelynn felt her chest tighten, she didn't know if it was the cold of the room or what they were discussing. "Let's not talk about it, okay? It was just one of Sader's stupid challenges."

"That she awarded you first rank for." Anadil added.

"Yeah, whatever Anadil!"

"We should keep an eye on Sophie for any more symptoms." Agatha said.

Evelynn nodded. "Yes, and try not to look so freaked out by everything."

Agatha continued to look freaked out.

Hester raised her finger. "Oh, also before you go Lynn. Um, Agatha's ghost in the challenge went a bit crazy and showed Tedros telling her to go and see him."

Evelynn's eyes widened. "What, what did he-"

"-I'd prefer it if my students wouldn't just stand and loiter in my classroom!" Lesso declared from the front of the room, her sharp eyebrows downturned.

The girls took their seats on the icy benches, shuffling uncomfortably.

Lesso placed her hands on her desk, leaning forward and scanning the students before her. "Today, your challenge will be fighting in a form unfamiliar to you. You'll be faced with an animal that you will have to fight. You should choose another animal to mogrify into and win."

The other girls in the class seemed quite confident about the challenge, apart from Agatha, who still looked freaked out.

Evelynn nudged her arm, leaning closer. "What did Tedros say to you?"

Agatha brushed her dark hair out of her eyes, speaking with a hushed voice. "He told me to cross the bridge. Tonight."

"The bridge? How does he expect you to cross a bridge missing the middle?"

The Violet Witch - The School for Good and EvilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora