19. goodbye.

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Hello! You may notice that this chapter is... different. Well, I am ending this fanfic. I have stopped watching them and lost my passion. I used to have many great ideas for this storyline, but not enough time. I don't enjoy writing about them anymore and I can't promise I will ever again. I read through this fanfic many times, noticing it's many flaws and just lost all hope for this story. It's unfixable. This is extremely dramatic. Sorry. I don't think that this fanfic is as good as some commenters think, but I still want to apologize to the people who enjoyed this story. So, I'm sorry.

But, this doesn't mean it's the end. Coming your way is a fanfic about two high schoolers, and I am proud to say that I already have many bright ideas about the story line. Not to mention, I am also confident that I will enjoy writing this story. It's gonna be about mlm, again, but this time-better. I hope, at least.

Thank you.

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