Some Yandere DCFDTL stuff

Start from the beginning

•She loves you so much she makes sure you are reminded of that every single day, She likes to jumble your words that it may seem like it was your idea and not hers.

•She does love you though and still cares about you but there are no limits to what she can do just to ensure your all hers forever.

•Is very serious and very much of an introvert so she doesn't go out much and won't let you out unless it's with her permission. She will follow you and watch you from afar just to make sure your not doing anything she doesn't want you to.

•Is a small overthinker but she does have doubts on your actions due to her mature behavior and how she looks down on you because of just that. She believes that she's always right and will always find a way to make sure she's right.

•Loves your hair, She likes to brush and style it to what you feel comfortable with.
But she does like smelling it the most, And she can easily tell whether you used a different shampoo.

•She gets jealous only as a 50/50. She knows whether someone is or isn't a threat to you or your relationship with her.

•Rather enjoys quality time, She likes to read books with you listening to her narrate a story or give you fun facts about things that intrigues her.


•The type of yandere who will do anything for you, Who will do everything you ask of him just to ensure you are satisfied enough to stay with him.

•He submits very easily to your wishes, He does have his own choices and can fight anyone with brute force but his knees can't help but go weak and shiver at the sight of your pretty face.

•He loves to remind you everyday he loves you and reminds you how attractive and amazing you are everytime. He loves to compliment you all the time and likes to hold you from behind while doing so.

•He is the type who will not hesitate to run to your aid when you injure yourself or when he hears a faunt yelp from you and will instantly run to your location.

•He gets jealous easily and will not hesitate to fight anyone that dares to take you from him but he won't do it in front of you of course.

•The one who always makes sure you are dependent on him and will ensure your well being comes first, He will have to do just a smidge of manipulation just to make sure you are perfectly in his grasp.

•He loves your thighs, He absolutely adores to be smushed in between them any day of the week. He will come back from an exhausting day and will immediately go straight in between your thighs just to relax.

•He is a sucker for affection of any kind,
Just make sure to always have him on his mind, compliment him, hold him, cuddle him, spend time with him and most importantly kiss him when he needs it.


•The type of yandere who will do anything just to have you as his one and only for the rest of your lives, He is the mixture of his brothers to be short.

•He makes sures everything goes to plan whther it's a date or a special occasion, He always double checks everything to see if it is up to your liking.

•He does in fact treat you like a deity, He will always find a way to satisfy your needs and wants. He may be a silent and intimidating but he will take very good care if you.

•Considering he is the most responsible, He makes sure to be a good caretaker for you. He cooks, cleans, works for you but he will let you do what you want to do if you feel like it.

•He does get jealous and he gets very overprotective of you if he is, He sees someone making a move on you and his arms are intantly around you and kisses your head. He also makes sure to say some sweet nicknames for you to really stick to the person that you are his one and only.

•He is very tall and that does intend to make him intimidating but really he is a big softie who secretly gets violent only when you aren't aware or around to see it.

•He will always find a way to scare people off when they get too close to you, He likes taking you out in dates alot even if it's indoors. He likes to really show everyone that you are his and he is yours.

•Adores your chest, Even if you have a smaller frame than him he always moves lower to your chest level whenever you cuddle, He likes to hear your heart beating knowing it only beats for him and him only.

•He loves quality time and physical affection the most, He makes sure to engage in PDA in public and always clinging onto you in private. He adores going out with you but will always stalk you and follow you whenever you go out alone or with a friend.

(Thanks for reading this, Sorry if this is too cringey or too bleh. I just thought it would be nice to makes some yandere headcanons with these lovable idiots.
Thanks so much for reading, I appreciate you all!!💙)

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