Thursday Night (Risotto x Reader x Abbacchio) 🍋

Start from the beginning

He groaned, speaking in the lazy, meandering manner of a drunk, "Don't leave me baby."

Shuffling out the door, she responded as the door closed, "I'll come back, hun."  The door snicked closed and she scrambled back down to the bar.

She made the rounds, checking on each table.  It was close to quittin' time, and she found if she checked up on everyone they tended to be a bit more respectful of closing time.  Making her way back behind the bar, she freshened up Abbacchio's mead.  Before she could turn away, he grabbed her wrist.  Random thought that he had grabbed the opposite one to Risotto, trickling through her mind. 

"You with him now?"  His voice was also weighed down by drunkenness, slow and slurred.  Y/N's brows knit together, mildly annoyed.  She had periodically seen both Abbacchio and Risotto, the only patrons with which she had ever mixed business and pleasure.  But she had always been clear, no man 'owned' her.  She had worked way too hard to get where she was to let a relationship go wrong and mess it up. 

Wrenching her arm away she snapped, "What?  You jealous, Leone?"

"And what if I am?"  Somehow he seemed less drunk at that moment.  She wondered if he was actually expressing a genuine emotion. 

She decided to lean into it rather than start an argument.  "Do you want to spend the night too?"

He leaned back, grumbling.  "Not the same."  He pouted.  She knew she was going to have to pull out the 'big guns'. 

Tucking stray silvery lilac hair behind his ear, her finger traced his jawline.  She looked into his golden eyes and smiled.  "You can stay in my room."  Y/N had leaned to the ear holding his hair back, whispering seductively. 

She knew he was hammered when his hand made its way to caress her face, otherwise he wouldn't have been so expressive.  She leaned into his hand, closing her eyes.  She really did enjoy his company, in a different universe maybe they were a happy couple.

She opened her eyes and stood up straight, stopping her fanciful thoughts.  What was coming over her?  She was a very practical person, not having time for flights of romantic fantasy.  But these two men would give her heart a run for its money if she allowed it. 

As Y/N said farewell to the last customer, she closed and locked the door.  Pulling the shades over the windows, she turned to walk back to Abbacchio.  Instead she turned right into his muscular, exposed chest.  He loomed over her, slurring in a manner she was sure he thought was sensual, "Now I can have you all to myself."

He pressed her to the wall, pinning her there as he kissed her.  She tasted blueberries and alcohol.  He forced his tongue into battle with hers, deepening the kiss.  Y/N kissed back, her hands massaging his shoulders.  Leone groaned, grinding his hips into hers.  His slick leather pants made a satiny sound against her jeans. 

Not wanting to start an argument, she broke the kiss saying, "Wanna take this upstairs?"

He nodded and allowed her to lead the way, his hand in hers even though he knew the way.  He tripped on the last step and almost fell.  Leaning on the wall and catching her shoulder he paused to right himself.  She tucked herself under his arm and helped guide him into her room.  She had no intention of sleeping with him.  She had told him HE could stay in her room; at no point had she said she would be there too. 

Making their way to the bed, Abbacchio stumbled again making a loud noise as his knees hit the ground.  The wood of the floors made a racket as he made his way back upright.  Leaning on Y/N, almost knocking her over as well, a knock came followed by Risotto's voice, "Everything ok in there, babe?" 

One and Done:  Sweets and Lemons  (JJBA one shots)Where stories live. Discover now