(CH.48) Fightin' With One-Another

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///SOAP POV///
I've been hiding in my room with the sometimes company of Yin-Yang and Bomb for so long.
I cant dare to get out, so they bring me the food made during lunch to my room so I can eat too.
'But Soap, eating in your room is so not very hygienic!' I KNOW!!!!
It's such a torture, but its either that or I will endanger myself.
Who knows what that red asshole will do to me the second that I'm out...
Im in danger. I know that.
The good thing is that i now have Bomb and Yin-Yang by my side.
They're... fun?
Very unhygenic people though!
Specially YinYang, well, Yang.
Ugh! They're just so destructive, everytime they come into my room they turn everything into a mess!
But they're the only friends I have, I guess.
It's better than being stuck alone with red around.
It makes me feel safer.
I wonder what they did to Mic...
Was that their name? Yeah, I think so..
Mic, the one who talked to me when I was terrified.
They seemed nice, Inwonder what our relationship was like before i lost all my memories.
And I wonder what red did with them, they just- Took them!
They also slashed my mouth.. ouch.
What if red was responsible for my eye injury too? Or maybe i've just always had it.
I wished i could ask Bomb about it.
But of course I cant speak!
This is so unfair, if only I could communicate some other way-
Then, a knock on the door drove my attention away.
As I went over to the door and waited for the password to be said.
I made Bomb and Yin-Yang learn it so i could make sure who it is when opening a door.
I'm not risking it.
"O-O-Oh, r-r-r-right.. The p-p-p-password is 'K-K-K-Keep on cleaning'."
I opened the door and looked at Bomb.
"He-He-He-He-Hello -S-S-S-Soap! M-M-M-M-M-M-Me a-a-and YinYang were w-w-w-wondering i-i-i-if you w-w-wanted to c-c-c-c-c-come over f-f-for a m-m-midnight w-w-walk."
Sighing, I realized that I had nothing else to do at the moment.
It's late, and I can't sleep..
Ughhhhhh.. Okay, guess i'll go.
I nodded my head and exited my room, closed the door, and locked it.
"O-O-O-Okay! G-G-Good!! F-F-F-F-Follow me th-th-then!"
He began walking through the corridor and quickly found YinYang.
"He-He-He-Hey YinYang!! S-S-S-S-Soap said she's c-c-c-coming with!"
"I doubt that NERD would ever say stuff!"
Bomb immediately hit YinYang slightly on the head.
"OW! That's no fair, I didn't do anything wrong!!" Yin shouted.
"O-O-Oh sorry Y-Y-Y-Y-Yin, d-didn't mean t-t-t-to hurt ya t-too!"
I sighed and looked at Bomb, as I judged him with my stare.
"O-O-O-Oh! Y-Y-Yin-Yang, I th-th-th-think Soap wants u-u-us t-t-t-to l-l-l-l-leave already."
I nodded as Yin-Yang grumbled.
"She ain't my boss!"
"But I am, Yang, I wanna leave too!!!"
"Well, it's OUR body so unless I want to, then- then... We wont!"
"Not fair!"
"Yes fair!"
"G-G-G-Guys please, f-f-f-for th-th-th-th-the one time th-th-that Soap j-j-joins us, c-c-c-can't y-you guys b-b-b-b-behave f-for the t, j-j-just once!"
I looked around, ugh. If I wasn't so afraid of red, I'd ditch them, they're such a mess!
And they've got me bored to death.
I stared at them both until I heard something that caught my attention.
I turned to look into the left side of the corridor, Yin-Yang and Bomb had done the same.
"W-W-What is g-g-g-g-going o-o-on there?" Bomb said, as he looked confused at me and then Yin-Yang.
"Well. That sounded like Trophy!" Yang said.
"And he seems to be in trouble, we gotta help him!!" Yin continued.
"That was what I was gonna say! Yes."
We all rushed to the scene and found a trophy surrounded by a glass of orange color, a weird crystal thing, and... Red!
I backed away a bit and stood closer to Bomb, just in case.
"Trophy, calm down! You're making this worse for yourself, we've got more than enough evidence! Just explain to us why!" The crystal thing said as they tried to get closer to the trophy.
"Well, our tests say otherwise..." Red said, ugh.. If this has to do something with red then it's for sure nothing good.
Yin-Yang approached the crystal and tugged their arm, they turned around and saw them and us.
"Oh? Shouldn't you all be asleep?" The crystal said, looking confused at their wrist where they had a clock.
"No! Sleeping is for nerds!" Yang shouted.
"Yang! We weren't here to be rude!" Yin angrily answered.
"I'm always here to be rude!"
"No! We are here to ask Test Tube about what's going on!"
"Oh uhhh.. Golly! Well, this'll take a while to explain, umh... Follow me." They said, as they walked towards me and Bomb.
"Gee willikers, i'm gonna guess y'all need the explanation too?"
"Y-Y-Y-Yes!" Bomb said, and I just nodded.
"Well, the short explanation is that me and Fan were conducting some experiments with one of the weapons of the kidnappings and we found both Trophy's and Cheesy's DNA in it! Since both were the last ones to see each other before the incident, it's only reasonable to think that Trophy was the one responsible for it! So we told OJ and now we're here trying to get l Trophy, the traitor, out. Yes?"
"If that's the short version, I don't ever wanna hear the long one..." Yang said, as he stared at the crystal in confusion.
But, unlike Yin-Yang, I understood it perfectly.
"Uh, shall I explain it in simple shorter terms then?" They said and looked over to us.
"N-N-No n-need to!" Said Bomb while I shook my head trying to indicate 'no'.
"NO!" Yang shouted.
"Oh, alrighty-o?" They said as they turned to face me but quickly looked back at Bomb.
"Uh. How's she doing?"
"Sh-Sh-She's d-d-doing alright. I d-d-d-d-don't think there a-a-any s-s-s-secondary effect a-a-a-apart f-from the m-m-m-memory loss, u-u-unless y-y-y-y-y-you consider p-p-paranoia  t-to b-b-b-be one."
"Paranoia? How so?" They said, and I sighed.
They started talking about me but I stopped listening as I took a look over to what was going on with the trophy.
Orange-liquid glass, red and the trophy had walked far away from us, but I could still hear the trophy's muffled yet angry responses.
Ugh. I'd rather be listening to that than to listen to other people talk about me!
Heck, I'd rather be with red before having to be listening to people discuss my mental health in front of me...
As I looked away, the crystal thing approached me.
"Hello! Do you remember me?"
I nodded no.
"Fair enough. I'm Test Tube, I'll be your medical assistant, do you know what that means?"
I nodded no again, I mean, I think I could figure it out but let's see what their definition of it is.
"Well, it means that I'll basically be helping you to adjust to everything going on... You're half blind, mute and have lost all your memories so you must be confused. I'm here to answer questions and help you through your process of recovery."
Well, that's about time I guess.
"Though, I'm a very busy scientist, so if I'm ever not here just talk to Bomb."
That's exactly what I've already been doing though?
What the fuck.
"Your mouth has been bandages for almost a week, yes?"
I nodded yes.
"What about the eye-patch?"
I didn't answer this time, I still have no clue when or how it happened.
"Hm... Okay, I'll replace the bandages for some clean ones and get you a new eye-patch after the whole Trophy situation, it seems like they're becoming too... old."
Yeah, no shit.
Oh god... wait, if they're old could they be..... INFECTED?!
I visibly panicked and grabbed their arm in a hurry.
"Woah, woah! What is it?"
I stared at her deep into their eyes, how do I tell them that I need these replaced asap!?
"Golly, is it because of having to wait for some more?"
I nodded anxiously and let go of their arm.
"Okay, gee umh.... I've got no aid-kit on me, I sent my assistant for one, uh.... Maybe go find Balloon? He knows how to help you, I taught him. Plus, he is the only one with an aid-kit if I'm not mistaken."
I sighed and looked over to Bomb and Yin-Yang, they need to help me get to him then, if not, how will I tell Balloon about the eye?
"I should really get going now, I'll see you later and if you don't find balloon then just come get me in my room!"
She said, as she left.
Fuck, well, now I'm worried about getting my injuries infected!
I looked again back to Bomb and YinYang, but uhh....
Where did they go???
Ahhhh!!!! They left me alone????
Umh, ummmhhhhhhh..
Okay Soap, you're brave enough for this.
You are no longer scared of dust bunnies and that's a huge step forward, just think of red as one of them.
Yeah, yeah... No need to feel afraid.
Just- go find Balloon! Was that their name? I hope so, I don't want to have misheard them.
Uhh... I'm gonna guess he is over where everyone has their rooms, yyyeaaaahhh.
Oof, good luck Soap!
Hopefully this doesn't take to long....

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