(33)Soap talk

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///SOAP POV///
I left the kitchen, I'm so tired
Like do you know how it feels to be COMPLETELY ignored just because you don't have the ability to talk, at all?
Im not just ignored, people are speaking for me!
Like, I know what I want I don't need your 'help' if it's not going to do  its job which is ACTUALLY helping me!
Im going to go take a walk around the hotel
Lets see if I'm lucky enough to get killed by RED!
Come on relax Soap
Everything is going to be alright
You just have to go clean something
But where are the cleaning supplies in this weird big house?
I looked through a window
Ans why aren't we allowed to go outside?
Like I mean, I guess it's because of something but they didn't quite tell me why
I just know that we are locked to be kept safe but from what?
Red? That weird Taco?
But they are both in! How would that make sense?
Oh wait, right. They don't know that THEY are the ones who are killing everybody
And I wish I could tell them but I'll just get murdered
And I really don't want to die, you know your body gets filled with GERMS when you die?
Ewwww just thinking about it makes me SICK
I think I should  to stop thinking about germs now- yeah
Wait where the fuck was that room I'm supposed to go to-
I think I'm lost
Oh shit I shouldn't have been thinking about stuff while walking around somewhere I don't even know
I kept on walking
Maybe if I just keep walking I can magically reach my room?-
I walked around for a bit and then I found something
I looked at the floor and saw a crowbar and some pieces of cheese on it
Wait a second....cheese? But the only person that was cheese is long lost- wait a damn minute
If this crowbar has cheese on it
It might be the crowbar used to kidnap that cheese!
If I give this to Bomb then he could give it to that orange juice manager of this hotel, THEN they could look for fingerprints and we could get Fan caught AND THEY WOULDN'T KNOW IT WAS ME WHO TOLD THEM!
Omg I'm such a genius!
But I'll need gloves for grabbing this
I don't wanna get my fingerprints on it
Luckily enough I ALWAYS take some gloves around with me
What? I don't wanna touch germ-filled stuff
I took out a pair of gloves that I had and put them on
Then, I picked up the crowbar and put it in a trash bag
Yes, I always take a trash bag with me too, don't judge me.
Now...I'll take this to Bomb and he will do the rest!
If I uh. Figure out where I am first-
Yeah this is going to take a while-
Oh! Are those flowers in the distance?
If those are the flowers that I think they are then I know more or less where I am!
You see, the black and white one and Bomb showed me these flowers and explained to me what flowers were
I don't know WHY they thought I didn't know what they were but I couldn't tell them that I already knew what those were so I just listened
It was kinda funny, not gonna lie
Like, Bomb was trying to explain to me calmly what they were and for what and then told the black and white one to act like a bee to do a demonstration of pollination
The black and white one did a demonstration of a bee but I think he did it too well because OUT OF NOWHERE a swarm of bees appeared and started going after them
Bomb ran to help them but ended being chased by the bees too
They started running through the whole hotel and the black and white one fell on the floor while trying to escape so I went to help them out
In the end I took out my handy dandy flower scented spray and sprayed the flowers with it
My spray was so good the bees went after the flowers Instead
After that they took me to the kitchen because there's an emergency aid-kit in there and they needed to get some bandages because the black and white one needed them to cover up an injury he accidentally got when he fell
I kinda remember the path we took to get there so if THESE are the flowers then I know how to get to the kitchen
And I need to get back to the kitchen because Bomb is in there
I went closer to the flowers and smelt them
Mmmm....yup this are the flowers
Now where was the kitchen-
I looked around
Yeah that way!
I walked some more and the corridors started looking even more familiar
Ah yessss, this is the way
I walked for a bit and then I found myself nearly at the kitchen
And then...that trophy person exited the kitchen with a water bottle in his hand
I quickly got out of his way and tried not to be seen by him
There's NO way I'm going to be with him
I don't even know him at all and I can tell he is annoying and really mean
Alright he's gone now-
Time to go give this crowbar to Bomb
I entered the kitchen and went over to Bomb
The black and white one was still fighting about what drink they should give us but I just kinda ignored them
I went over to Bomb
"H-H-H-Huh?" He said really confused
I showed him the bag and he looked at me weirdly
"Ummm- w-w-w-w-what's inside the bag? C-C-C-Can I o-o-o-open it?"
I said no with my head and looked at him really seriously
Shit I didn't really think about how I'll tell him not to open it or how I'll tell him to give this to OJ-
I grabbed him by the arm
"HUH?" He said really confused
I took him out of the kitchen and over to the corridor
"W-W-W-Where are we going???"
I ignored him and looked around
Shit I don't know where I'm supposed to go
I looked at him
I gave him the bag
"W-W-W-What's this f-f-f-for???"
I pointed at the bag and closed it trying to express to him that he MUST NOT open the bag
"D-D-D-Do I open it?"
I looked at him angrily and closed the bag again
"I'm n-n-n-not supposed to open it?"
I nodded my head
"Ohhhh a-a-a-a-alright!"
I then turned around
Okey time to go find that weird hotel manager
He HAS to be in his office because it's already almost morning and we'll that mean he uh must be there?
I don't really know anymore
I started walking around
His office was uhhh this way
I walked for a bit and saw a piece of cheese on te floor
YES!!! It's this way !!!
I walked for some more time and then I FOUND IT!!!
The orange juice manager of the hotel guy was standing in the middle of the corridor talking to the weird uhhh cucumber?
Ok great I now need to gain his attention.
Easy enough
I grabbed him by his arm
"What the- hey what are you doing here alone?Where's Bomb?" Said the orange juice guy
I dragged him by the arm
I took him back to where Bomb was
Oh wait yeah I know how to get there I only have to take the same path as before haha
"May I ask...where in the hell you're taking me to?"
I ignored his question and looked at the floor
I then saw the piece of cheese just laying there
I ran towards the place I was with Bomb and he was there sitting down on the floor starring at the bag
"Bomb? Wait what are you doing sitting down on the floor?" Said the orange juice guy
"O-Oh! Soap t-t-t-t-told me to stay here a-a-a-a-and she gave me t-t-t-t-this bag"
"Bag ?which bag are you-"
I then grabbed the bag from Bomb's hand and gave it to the orange juice guy
"Huh? What's in here?"
Bomb stood up and looked at the bag
"I d-d-d-d-d-don't know"
The orange juice guy was about to open it but I snatched it from him
"Huh?" He said confused
I took out a pair of gloves and gave them to him
I then him back the bag and pointed at the gloves
"Oh, okey thanks!" He said as he put them on
He proceeded to open the bag and looked at the crowbar
"W-W-W-W-What's on t-t-t-the bag???"
"It's just a crowbar that- wait...is that cheese?"
"C-C-C-Cheese? Let me s-s-s-see!" Said Bomb as he looked into the bag
"Ohhh, w-w-w-w-what if it's a c-c-c-c-clue of who k-k-k-k-kidnapped Cheesy?"
"Is that why you wanted me to look at it Soap?"
I nodded my head
"Well I can't really look into it tho- we can wait until Test Tube is back tho, Fan came back so Test Tube must be about to arrive too!" He said as he smiled
Well that's going to take a long time- for sure- but at least we'll get him caught!!!!
"In the mean time I'm going to keep this, sounds good to you?" He said while looking at me
I nodded again and left
"Oh uh, bye then?"
Look, I did my part already and I'm tired- so now I'm going to go relax in my room
I also don't want to be seen by Red with the orange juice guy because he will ask questions and I'll get caught
I went over to my room
It's the only room I actually know how to get to alone
I entered and locked it
Now only someone with the keys can get in- don't wanna risk it alright?
I sighed
I think I'm going to go take a shower or something to relax and not think about Red

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