(15)Salt in the pool

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///SALT POV///
I've like FINALLY got like the pool area all for me and I can't be happier of that! Like imagine being alone in like a POOL like a super cool-like pool WELL THATS ME RIGHT NOW!
I LOVE being alone and in peace in the pool area, I wish that Pepper was here but PAINbrush insists that she has to be alone if we want her to be recovered, like why does he even like care?! He? She? Wait- didn't like he like say something about that in the like party before leaving? Wait...I think he like said something like...no-bonary or something like that? What the actual fuck does that mean- I think I should like look in the like internet.
I grabbed my phone that was right next to me and searched "no-bonary" on the internet
He has no bones?. What does that have to do with like gender? Oh shit wait....
I looked over to the correction google like gave me and like "non-binary" was the correction it gave me so I clicked it and started reading what I saw in the description of that weird thing
Oh my like GOSH!!!
They/Them? Wait is he like plural- I mean are they like plural or something?
Huh. Weird...well at least their gender is not like unknown anymore... right?
Like I never thought about something like non-binary-
Well now I think I might just relax in the pool, like I'm here and I shouldn't be investigating about Paintys gender because in reality...I don't really give a fuck.
I layed down on the amaca and relaxed.
I closed my eyes and started to relax
I was layed down for like 30 minutes when suddenly...
"!!!" I tried to shout but I was unable to because I had their filthy-ass hand on my mouth!
"Shhhh...." They said as I was freaking out
I opened my eyes and saw the disgusting bitch that was covering my mouth....IT WAS FAN!!!
He proceeded to pull out a flask with a weird black liquid thing inside
Wait....a weird black liquid thing....IS THAT WHAT LIKE LIGHTBULB WAS WARNING US ABOUT?!
I was able to take his hand away from my mouth
"AHHHHHHHHHH PLEASE HELP MEEEE" I shouted as loud as I could
"FUCK." He said and he threw the weird liquid onto me
"EWWWWWW" I shouted because that liquid was so like DISGUSTING!
My head started hurting real bad but I tried to stand still
He smiled and then OUT OF NOWHERE Taco came into the room
"Well that took you an awfully long time" she said as she looked at Fan
Fan looked at Taco very seriously
"Well you can go now, I'm going to take her now"she said while looking at me
And also out of nowhere SHE PULLED OUT A GUN!
I freaked out and stood up quickly
"I don't care, Bitch" she said and shot me
I didn't really feel hurt tho- I just felt sleepy...
"Uh...." I said as I started to fall to the floor
My head hurt so much and I felt really dizzy
"Ok, Fan you go gain their trust and I will take care of Salt" Said Taco while looking directly at me
Take care of salt....? What does that bitch mean with take care of ME?!
I tried not to fall and like faint but it was very like difficult to do I was just like too tired
Then Taco grabbed me and covered my mouth with her STUPID AND DISGUSTING hand
"SALT OPEN THE DOOR IS EVERYTHING OK???" said someone shouting across the pools acces door
I tried to tell them that no but my mouth was covered by Taco'a DISGUSTING hand
I was feeling even more tired but I still tried to like stay awake even if it wouldn't matter if I fainted or not
I looked over to Fan and he pulled out some bandages and put them over his right eye and right part pf his head, covering up both his eye AND the black weird thing on his head
He took his bowtie off and grabbed another flask full of BLOOD?!?! Oh wait no. It's fake blood. It says it in the bottle. Like it says it in BIG letters.
He poured it in his head area and looked at me
I started feeling too dizzy to keep myself awake so I just started to faint
I didn't want to but I had to choice, I couldn't ask for help and I couldn't help myself so I had no choice other than dramatically faint into my death....
I closed my eyes and the next thing I know, I was fainting and won't possibly wake up ever again....I will never wake up again...unless OJ romantically kisses me, obviously

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